Which rear entry action wrench for barrel swapping



I have a BAT action with 2 lugs. The action is glued to a Kelbly BR FB stock. Do I go for the BAT, Kelbly, Bruno, or Borden wrench ??? Which one is going to be easier to work with that particular stock ??? Thanks for your input. Art :)
Give Bat (Daryle or Bruce) a call and get the rear entry wrench. Use a torque wrench or a T handle adapter.

As posted elsewhere whatever wrench you decide on, get one that engages only at the inside of the front receiver ring - threaded area of receiver. Avoid the plate shaped ones (which extend the full length of the receiver) which really limit your torque application and risk twisting the receiver (breaking or weakening your stock bond).
Action Wrench

I recently purchased an action wrench from Borden rifles for my Borden actions, its perfect..........