Which front bag for rest



Looking at a front rest but not sure what bags fit the factory stocks the best, namely the PSS. Want a nice snug fit, looking at one of the Caldwell rests but hear o.k. results from the standard bags.
Use is???

Depending what your using it for very hard to fit a round stock snug, the stock will roll in the bag recommend you buy the adapter (as long as your not shooting competition) from sinclair and a good 3" bag, takes all the roll out of your factory rig.
Depends on how much you want to spend.

I would hope to stay under $50, depends on what's avail though.

Depending what your using it for very hard to fit a round stock snug, the stock will roll in the bag recommend you buy the adapter (as long as your not shooting competition) from sinclair and a good 3" bag, takes all the roll out of your factory rig.

For IBS rules naturally I don't want to disqualify myself and I want to avoid the front rolling as well. Whatever I can do legally to keep the front from rolling, aside from replacing the stock of course, thought of creating a wooden block that's flat on the bottom and channel it on top to the shape of the stock...fitting it to the front studs, would this be legal for factory modified?