Where to get zircon sand for bags


New member
I have ordered a new rear bag and will be chasing something to stuff inside it. As I am in Australia, it Isnt economical to buy the stuff from Sinclair and pay more for postage than my rifle is worth. Which industries use Zircon, so I can narrow down my search.
I got 100# from a nearby foundry uses it by the tons, I think to remove material from s.s. castings. Also, a nearby abrasives supplier has it for sale, they supply sandblasters, etc. Some friends use garnet, which is mined nearby.

You can buy it at pet stores.Its the black sand they put in the bottom of lizard cages and runs $1 a pound.My local pet store carries it in 25 pound bags.
This might be a stupid question but I have to ask, is Zircon the same thing as the Heavy sand Sinclair sells?

I have both and can't see any difference at all.Zircon is a man made black sand and if you do a web search you will see its uses other than filling bags.