New club listed on the ARA indoor schedual but no listing in clubs to locate it.
D DonMatzeder Guest Dec 14, 2009 #1 New club listed on the ARA indoor schedual but no listing in clubs to locate it.
J J Pappas Guest Dec 14, 2009 #2 Don I think these are the matches Danny Keeney was going to put on but I am not sure yet. The shop is about 6 miles south of Ennis on I 45.
Don I think these are the matches Danny Keeney was going to put on but I am not sure yet. The shop is about 6 miles south of Ennis on I 45.
L lead head Guest Dec 14, 2009 #3 Shop shoot I wonder why with all the dates available why so many of his shoots are on the same day as the Frog level indoor shoots? just wondering outloud Larry
Shop shoot I wonder why with all the dates available why so many of his shoots are on the same day as the Frog level indoor shoots? just wondering outloud Larry
F Fred J Active member Dec 15, 2009 #4 Not Sanctioned At this time, it doesn't appear to be a sanctioned club. I heard Danny was going to start one, and this would be the first indication.
Not Sanctioned At this time, it doesn't appear to be a sanctioned club. I heard Danny was going to start one, and this would be the first indication.