Where has all the ammo gone?


Gary O

I just finished an article in the May 6th edition of Gun Digest entitled "Where Is All The Ammo?". They conclude after many industry interviews that it will be at least 1 and perhaps 2 years before things begin to improve on dealer shelves. Especially for .223/5.56, 9mm and AR platform guns. I speculate that things will be even worse in gun hostile states like California and New York. Best learn to buy on the internet while it's still legal, me thinketh.

If you read that article you will see that the manufacturers interviewed state that they have increased their production and are still shipping that extra ammo to all the distribution guys as fast as they can make it. You black helicopter/conspiracy dudes better take a deep breath...(sorry)
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We In New York are working very very hard to get the Safe act Repealed in it's entirety.
Come election time if its no repealed you can bet there will be a whole lot of sorry POLITICIANS who signed on to that bill
Repubmlicans and Dvemocrats, CUOMO best forget running for president.
People are wise to him as bening another OBAMA.
For now we in NEW YORK have to buy what we can until this latest storm passes. Theres no way some of will buy for full retail from a dealer and sign for it.
some may I won't wish us luck with our buying..
Supply and demand

Looking at the bright side:

After the panic buying slows or stops, there should be some real bargains in ammo when the supply exceeds the demand. That is the law of supply & demand.:eek:

What do you think?

Concho Bill
Lucky you Jerry. I hope it stays that way.
I hope the supply catch up soon. we here need to stock up and hope and pray that our Law suit is a success,
In some of my other posts i have mentioned what is takeing place here.
I hope and pray the country as whole survives this president and his communist policys.
I have some that i'm shareing with new people that can't get any .
Our largest local retail gun shop, Mahoneys, is so low on ammo not that a customer has to buy a gun to get ammo of that caliber, They feel they must keep some ammo to sell guns, after all who would buy a gun they can't get ammo for??

I love it!!!!
I'm happy for the gun sales. It looks like more are really starting to think'
The local gun shop {big one} limits 22 ammo to one box a day { when it's in stock}
Tight supplys are takeing it toll on new shooters. I help out when i can {I don't scalp either} I see a lot of that going on these days.
Walked through a sporting goods/gun stuff store yesterday

They had a few cases (1000 rds I think) of some 7.62 stuff for 800 something bucks. The reloading shelves looked pretty bare. Saw a few bags of brass - mostly of the "Kubla Khan" category.
Sporsmans Wharehoue

Walked through Gun & Ammo Department, with the exception of .44 mag 8 boxes, there was no handgun ammo, no powder and a limited selection of bullets! There were no primers and as you walk into the entry a large sign that said ammo shipment arrives thursday's and in the ammo dept an orange sign that set a limit that each person could buy. There was a modest selection of 20 rd boxes of most calibers for hunting rifles, but not a single rounfd of 5.56/223 or 7.62X39 or any of the military style rounds. Fort Boise Gun Show last sunday I could't beleive that a box of Federal .22LR bulk(525 Rds) was going for $74.95, I can't believe that manufactures can't keep up with demand for .22 ammo. Unbelievable times we are living in!
Just remember that when you VOTE! And I believe that something that goes up for vote and is shot down like or gun rights by congress or the house should not come up for a vote again for five years.

Joe Salt
Last Saturday the wife, dog, and I took a drive 150 miles east hoping to find some primers I needed in Miles City. They had a good supply of powder, unfortunately none I needed, 4M of primers that weren't what I was looking for, but a decent supply of rifle ammo. Since I wasn't interested in loaded ammo I didn't check what they had or prices. Not much brass either except some WSSM, .375 H&H, and I think .270 Win. One large local chain has taken to showing the powders they have in stock on a small white board, and are selling one container per customer per day, 1M primers per day (when they have any), and the only cases they have aside from some oddball calibers are fired .223, .308, and 9 mm with mixed headstamps.

It may get better, but from what I've heard the current administration is doing it's best to stifle supplies of components and ammunition, along with cutting off or drastically reducing imports.

The anti-gunners are now saying that the bombs in Boston used "gun powder" so they want to require some sort of registration for purchase of powder. That'll sure cut down on bomb making. I wonder if we'll have to register to buy gas soon?
I considering entering handgun competition (9mm). I found a dealer with the gun needed, but I can't find any bullets anywhere.
That will shut down buying a gun, primers, powder, loader, holster, gun belt, mags, mag pouches, etc.
Not a good time to enter into shooting something new.
I considering entering handgun competition (9mm). I found a dealer with the gun needed, but I can't find any bullets anywhere.
That will shut down buying a gun, primers, powder, loader, holster, gun belt, mags, mag pouches, etc.
Not a good time to enter into shooting something new.

If you are going to shoot IDPA or the like, I suggest getting into the bullet casting business. Saves a lot of money. Then buy a jug of something like Unique and load away for about the cost of a 22 rimfire.

Cast bullets work great in handguns if you cast them yourself and use an alloy that is in the 15-25Bn range. I shot IHMSA Big Bore handgun for about 10 years and shot in the International classes in all 4 guns against jacketed bullets.
I tried to sell 200 once fired 270 brass, HS-7 and ball 540 at normal or 1/2 price and no interest. Strange.
If you are going to shoot IDPA or the like, I suggest getting into the bullet casting business. Saves a lot of money. Then buy a jug of something like Unique and load away for about the cost of a 22 rimfire.

Cast bullets work great in handguns if you cast them yourself and use an alloy that is in the 15-25Bn range. I shot IHMSA Big Bore handgun for about 10 years and shot in the International classes in all 4 guns against jacketed bullets.

That's impressive, Jerry, to shoot Int in 4 guns WITH CAST BULLETS.
How did you deal with the leading?
I would think cast bullets are loaded at lower velocities. How does that effect the action cycling?
This may be a route for me.
Leading can be controlled by the combination of velocity and lead bullet hardness as well as using gas checks for higher velocity rounds. It is really not that much of a problem on auto pistols that rely on recoil, Revolvers might get some build up on cylinder face forcing cone areas, but again there are a fair amount of variables here. Gas impingement systems will need particular care. IN silly-wet in days of yore revolvers and single shots,& bolt actions (in unlimited only) ruled the roost as we did not have the field pistol game until later on in an effort to keep the sport from dieing out. There were cases where cast bullets out preformed the jacketed items in some calibers due to dwell time and energy transfer at the target face.
I tried to sell 200 once fired 270 brass, HS-7 and ball 540 at normal or 1/2 price and no interest. Strange.

I just suggested a friend buy his son a 270.

He did.

They are trying to get into reloading, looking for brass, bullets and powder.

Still interested in selling?


Al Matson
360 904 6941

20211 NE Yacolt Mtn Rd
Yacolt WA 98675