where do you place 8208 to h322 ?


mike in co

faster/slower/just not the same ??
( and what lot are you comparing ? i have orig and recent slow 167 and some between)
( i have not shot h322...so no comaprison here)
mike in co
faster/slower/just not the same ??
( and what lot are you comparing ? i have orig and recent slow 167 and some between)
( i have not shot h322...so no comaprison here)
mike in co

Mike I think you need to pick-up a can and see for yourself... H322 is a fair bit faster than the 18167 lot of 8208.

"just not the same".......... Yes, this is my thoughts... Benchmark is closer... But..."just not the same"......

H322 & Benchmark >>almost<< meters as good as Dupont IMR8208... But still......................................"Just not the same"...

H322 in a 6PPC with typical 62-68gr bullets is a pretty good choise in temp ranges between 45deg well up to the low 80s.... But 133 is better in that range... >90 deg 8208 is IT..!

i'm a deprived child..i have no h322..but do have 4 lots of 8208.

yes 167 is pretty slow...but works good in a 223/52.

i'm gonna try some original t-bird 8208 in my 308 br.....

start conservatively and work up...

mike in co