Where’s my Target.



~ Where’s my Target ~
Lets see now the Command was given to bring your Equipment to the Line.
You spent the allotted time getting your Rests and misc. paraphernalia just how you like them.
Since the range is now hot you settle in your rifle and do once last check on your competitor number etc and
someone screams “I do not have a target” or I have the wrong Target”

Guess What in 75% of all the matches I have been too in the last 5 years with over 15 shooters this has happened – how about you??

This years Crawfish is the VERY FIRST State (or Regional, National) that I have been to where this did not happen. UGH!
Why you ask – Simple I preprinted target labels two days before the match and the girls in the kitchen took maybe 15 minutes to stick them on over 200 targets.

Think about it – for less the 2 cents a target I helped set a new record.
The downside was that we had some targets with labels left over.
The upside was for less than 1 cent added cost the unused were used in practice!
Make Yourself a Hero at your Club and Pre print some Target Labels.;)
If interested just send me an email and I will send you a Target Label program.
To use it you will need Excel & Word 2000 or later and spend some time to learn.


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I've thought of the very same thing. By just lazyness, I've not done it. Now that my mind is refreshed on this I think I will do it for my tournaments. If there is some unused targets at one tournament then I'll save them for the next and only label the ones that were used. If I decide to do it for all my matches then I'll just put label on top of label. Thanks. Anything that helps match directors do their job easier is a BIG, BIG plus.

Nice Idea Doug.
I number mine the day I get home from our current match. Nice to have a beer and do something relaxing. Best of all, I don't have to think about it for another month.
Gary Ball at Silverpoint range has a rubber stamp so all he has to do is fill in the comp. # bench # target # and relay #.
Forgive my insolence here but how will affixing a label to a target prevent the shooter from NOT walking down to hang it in time???? A label is a good thing and I'm all for the extra effort to affix them. Once you hand the shooter his/her batch of targets for the day label or no label it still comes down to the presence of mind to hang it properly and on time, no?

I see that part as personal responsibility and totally beyond the control of the match director. What am I missing? bob finger
One Thing you are missing is a lot of Clubs have a Target Crew hang the targets.
Second Thing is I never said anything about hanging it on time.
My guess is that you have never labeled a couple of hundred targets for a big match which brings me to The Third thing you are missing:
Labels Save a Lot of Work & Time
My Guess is that you sit around until someone hands you your pre-labeled targets & your only personal responsibility is to walk down and hang it.
Your Insolence is Forgiven.
Best Regards,
Back in the days

We did this for BR50 Tournaments, and every match, someone still hung the incorrect target. You can't fix stupid.
Thanks Doug: I would much rather pitch in and help than sit around waiting to be called to the line. You are correct tho, I've not run a br match, yet.

Interesting; I have never shot at a match where the shooters did not hang their own targets prior to shooting the relay. If a target crew hangs them and one target say blows down during the relay what do you do?

As I said in my original post I think the label work is well worth the effort. No argument on that issue.

I have a lot to learn. bob finger