when is the next ibs 1000 at byers ??

Gee Mike,

I thought you said you belonged to an "Organization"? Doesn't sound very organized if you have to come here and ask when the next match is eh?

Take note, nobody from the east coast "Club" is asking when their matches are. That's cause they're an "Organization", and you are not. You are so clueless you think an acronym is what qualifies the term.

I gotta tell ya, thanks for the laugh!
to Phil (aka: 4Mesh)

I'm just glad to hear that he is finally/possibly going to compete in a 1000BR event !!!!!

Good luck Mike...... and have fun !!!!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
Mike does this mean you will finally hear a rifle go off. Are you really going to shoot this year.

Joe Salt
i have already shot this year.
i would guess i shoot a bit more than the average br shooter....
i have heard more than one rifle go off in my life.
so far i have competed out to 600 yds, this will be my first venture at 1000.
i'm sorta on hold due to eye surgery i had on last thursday.....no big recoil stuff.
the 1000yd gun at full weight and with the brake is not bad so i expect to get load development done shortly.
i do find it humorous that you and your little brother 4mesh have nothing more productive to do than make childish remarks about me....but i should not expect more from two children.
mike in co

Mike does this mean you will finally hear a rifle go off. Are you really going to shoot this year.

Joe Salt
Your lucky your organization doesn't advertise here or they would put pressure on the owner to give you the boot.Don't ask how I know this.

No, I'm going to ask how you know this. You are essentially accusing Wilbur of bowing to pressure. Or maybe Elmer? You make a serious accusation in public, you back it up.

I've never met Lynn or his ghost. Based on their postings to BR Central, I'm glad of that. But a few people I know & trust say that in person, Lynn & ghost are completely different. If you're cold, they will give you the jacket off their back. I do know from their BR Central postings that when they're trying to help a new shooter, and somehow the question doesn't touch on any of their many complaints, they often give good information. They're wrong sometimes, but aren't we all. The point is, if the question is somehow neutral, they try, and hold nothing back in an effort to help.

Is this praise? Naw. More of a lament.