Al, they dropped the BC to .818 with the first generation, too, after some real world testing. As I understand it -- do a Google search -- the new "tactical" bullets are identical except for a thicker jacket.
So I rushed out and bought up some of the Gen 1 bullets. Last match out, in the shootoff, I shot a 3.7 inch group. Sadly, it was the score shootoff, & I wasn't centered up quite as well as the winner (he shot a 50). But I *was* in the shootoff, and the rifle grouped well on a bad day. I'll spare you the weather report.
I'm shooting them in a .338/404, at 2,775. No problems at all. Scott Fletcher shoots them at 2,850 in his bigger .338. His "Yogi" is a well-known wildcat, the "Bambi" I believe is on the newer .338 Norma case. He doesn't try to push them hard. I'm told different rifles, well, differ.
It was apparently the .338 Lapua pushed hard, or the improved .338 Lapua like the Yogi which was giving consistent problems. The new press release says the heavier bullets are fine with the bigger cases.
BUT, as I remember your .338 project was a hunting rifle. You might well be better off with Generation I & slightly slower speed, if the bullets need to expand.
Edit: Forgot to mention: Scott had a 4.144 inch, 10-shot group (HG Shootoff) for match 4. In spite of the match report, these were the Bergers.