What's the likelihood


Andy Cross

Over the years I have seen some of the most unlikely sports like scate board riding and street luge or puzzle solving go pro. With the number of industries involved in the shooting sports and the amount of money people like us spend each year pursuing our sport what do the people on this site think the likelihood is of BR shooting ever going pro. Also would it be a good thing or not if it did.

there is nothing to see..no "action" and not much to market......
better chance for three gun and ipsc.....
as dull and boring as trap is..you see the hit/miss....sporting clays gets tv coverage....
biathalon gets coverage because , again, you see the hit/miss....
mike in co
I am pretty sure that we have had this discussion before.
I am not for it and really wouldn't spend much time watching BR on Television.
Andy some where between little and none.
Like they said above no action.
However there seem to be some who have garnered some, however little support from some of the manufacturers.
I've noticed that the sports that have some coverage here in Australia, albeit only at Olympic & Commonwealth Games times are the ISSF ones where they modified their rules to have a 10 shooter final in each division (OK, except shotgun). With their electronic targets posting the value instantly, multiple monitors, split screen displays, the use of decimal points & a shot by shot shootoff, the coverage is complete, compact & compelling both for spectators on site & the TV audience.

Would we want to match that? Could we?
Glenn: I'm with you, even 1000 yard benchrest we do have some that come to watch.Sometimes it gets exciting when the wind is blowing, and the vapor trail through the spotting scope is going three targets over and your time is running out and your still not on paper. But I for one would not want my name in lights saying this 1000 yard shooter is the one to watch. I think we are being watch to closely now by certain people that don't like us. So yes be thankful we have a place to shoot. We will never be looked at like Tom Cruise!

Joe Salt
I kind of thought we were pro. Cash Options, Money Shoots, SuperShoot....it's just poor pay.

what do the people on this site think the likelihood is of BR shooting ever going pro. Also would it be a good thing or not if it did.


Ever heard the saying "somewhere between Slim and None" well it would be appropriate here.

Sorry Vern
I did not read your post before posting my answer.
Could we set up some international competition.....

on listening to paint dry???

If we made it go BANG!! would it increase attendance?? :0
There already is international competition.
Search world bench rest.
Just 3 names of our competitors off the top of my head and not to slight the others... just my memory.
Tim O. Gene B. Mike R.
Confirmed what I thought

Everyone has confirmed my thoughts. Even though chess went pro many years ago by comparison our sport is still duller and more boring to watch even though the equipment is much more exotic.

So my other question is that with the anti gun nuts that are out there combined with the relatively small number of people involved with this particular discipline of shooting what's the likelihood it will just disappear ?
