What's Going On With Going Down Under To The Worlds?


Dave Shattuck

Has anybody seen or heard anything about who has qualified for being on Team USA at the Worlds, or for that matter, who's even planning on going?

After reviewing the results from the 3 Regionals combined with the 2014 Nationals, my simple calculations show Team USA should consist of:
When considering only the 2-GUN (LV & HV) Results:
Todd Banks: 1473-49X
Dave Shattuck: 1471-53X
Vipha Miller: 1466-45X

with alternates of
Matt Lababedy: 1461-53X
and Paul Bendix: 1457-45X.

When consideration the 3-Gun Results (LV, HV & Open 25):
Dave Shattuck: 2211
Paul Bendix 2207
Todd Banks: 2206
with alternates of
Vipha Miller: 2187
Matt Lababedy: 2175
and Doug Miller: 2168

I'm assuming Todd is planning on making the trip, and I know Paul is hoping to go, but hasn't heard anything. As for me: as much as I had been planning on attending the 2015 Worlds especially since OZ has been at the top of my Bucket List forever, because of recently having massive shoulder surgery to my right shoulder, I know I can't, so that would bring Matt up onto Team USA when considering the 2-Gun and Vipha up with the 3-Gun results.

For what it's worth: as good as Todd is and always has been, in my opinion Paul Bendix should be not only be on the Team either way, but should Captain it if for no other reason than his accomplishments during 2014 (3 World Records including being the first, and only shooter to date to have ever shot a score of 750 Outdoors {Open 25Y @ the NE Regionals} during any major competition).

Just curious as the registration time is drawing near and plans have to be made.

Dave Shattuck
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G'day Dave

G'day Dave,

Sorry to hear you will not be able to make the trip, it would also be great to have Paul down here too, mate this is what i have at the moment from Team USA for both side of things Air & Rimfire, still finalising who is shooting what though i think many will shoot both, I had emails from Vipha a while back but have not heard anymore, I think the paperwork etc may have been an issue ?

Dan, Dawn, Abbie & JP Killough, Craig Young, Matt and Abdul Lababedy (Jr), Joe Besche, Todd Banks and the following maybes;
Doug and Vipha Miller, Pat Jarnigan

Thanks for the comeback as it seems there has been little to no communication up here about what's what. And even though I can't make the trip doesn't mean I'm not totally interested in what will be happening this summer in the land down under and only hope Team USA fields the strongest and best possible group of shooters just to keep things interesting.

Bill, I'll miss seeing you and the rest of the group and only wish things could have been different. But, there not, so you'll just have to have all the fun for me while I sit back and wait for the pictures.

Until next time.

We will do our best Dave, as you have noticed i post a lot less nowadays (over the crap that comes with it from keyboard soldiers) just direct answers to questions and will definitely update on results as they happen. I am 110% full steam ahead and committed till the end of Wrabf World Champs and will be running the event as Match Director, all systems are go.

Here is where we are at;

15 Countries
119 shooting Air LV
119 shooting Air HV
101 Rimfire HV
98 Rimfire LV
93 Rimfire Sporter


Benchrest Shooters Supply
DiOrio Manufacturing
Don Stith Stocks
Total Engineering Solutions
Rob Carnell
Seb Products
Sport & Defence
Safari Firearms
BigStick Stocks
Mr T
Bullzeye Pro
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World Travel with airguns?

I would love to travel to the Worlds in the End of July. Before I commit myself I have questions with Customs and Air travel with Airguns?
I have Mike Niksch's Custom Thomas's for both LV and HV. The problem both my guns have no Name or Serial numbers on them. Will that cause problems with Customs and Air travel? I guess I could send them to Mike for Numbers or just engrave my own?
Hi Paul

I would love to travel to the Worlds in the End of July. Before I commit myself I have questions with Customs and Air travel with Airguns?
I have Mike Niksch's Custom Thomas's for both LV and HV. The problem both my guns have no Name or Serial numbers on them. Will that cause problems with Customs and Air travel? I guess I could send them to Mike for Numbers or just engrave my own?

Hi Paul, that may be an issue i suggest you contact Craig Young or Vipha Miller or Todd Banks and they can send you all the paperwork etc that i sent all delegates and also tell Craig about your interest in possibly coming as payments and registrations are closing soon, or you can email me so i can reply president@wrabf.com. and i can forward the email with all the paperwork and contacts etc to ask but i do know myself whenever i travel in or out the main thing they check are serial numbers. Paperwork and serial numbers will need to match.
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Welcome Paul

G'day Paul,

Thanks for confirming you will be joining Team USA for Air Rifle, that is now building into a very formidable Team, i would say a "Dream Team" but that phrase is already taken by your USA Basketball Team.

Liase with Todd and Craig re paperwork and The Killoughs if you know them.