xs hedspace
Was reading one of his ramblings about the fault with the override sear type triggers this morning in "the oval office", and it occurred to me that there are aftermarket triggers that are like the Mauser style, with vertical sears. I do notice the bolt drop movement when the override trigger lets go. I am playing with a Rem 580, like the 788 trigger, now that has the same vertical sear, and with the factory barrel, with some epoxy inletting, I'm shooting Wolf .22 MT into a 30 cal bughole in my backyard(only 25 yds, so far--cold out here). Well I did tune the trigger to 1 lb, by relocating the trigger pivot, and weaker spring, with overtravel screw added, but I'm wondering if anybody found a benefit by changing the sear style in their BR rifles to a vertical release type?? Have at it, y'all...