what to look out for on damaged rem 700



I hope some one can give me some good info.I 'm about to buy a Rem 700 that was trued and had a Rock creek barrel in 308 match installed. the previous owner accidentally used the wrong 308 ammo in it and jammed the action.he had to take a hammer to it to open the action. While doing this he almost removed the bolt handle.Besides having the bolt handle re soldered what else should I be looking for in possible damage?
Thanks for your help.
The extractors are riveted in place and hammering open the bolt will sometimes break them off or loosen them up.
Also check the lugs on the back side for galling.
Thanks Lynn, the extractors appear to be ok. I can't see the back of the lugs in the pictures. My main concern would be the chamber. Should I play it safe and have opened to .308 win?
Since you have inspected the extractor (not plural as stated) and gave it the okay - I would suggest having Dan weld the bolt handle on, then have a gunsmith inspect it and give his opinion about the chamber and head space.
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I hope some one can give me some good info.I 'm about to buy a Rem 700 that was trued and had a Rock creek barrel in 308 match installed. the previous owner accidentally used the wrong 308 ammo in it and jammed the action.he had to take a hammer to it to open the action. While doing this he almost removed the bolt handle.Besides having the bolt handle re soldered what else should I be looking for in possible damage?
Thanks for your help.
personally, I would think about steering away from it, honestly, I have ran a .308 as hot as just about possible and never had the severity you talk about, really a gunsmith should look at it, you never know, the bolt can be distorted more than showed and the inside of the action may have issues as well. just my opinion. either way,, good luck!

Ron Tilley
Have the chamber checked what he most likely did was put a round in which jammed the throat and wedged the case when he fired it. You may need a new extractor it did not break but if it pulled the case out it must be ready to break he probably chambered 308 nato

Gun is most likely chambered 308 Winchester and he put 7.62x 51 match (lake city) 308 in it.
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Thanks guys, this info is what I was looking for. Now correct me if I'm wrong but a .308 match chamber is tighter than .308 win.. I've read that the match chamber can have these problems. Is it possible to have it opened to .308 palma or 308.win to rectify this?
Measure the chamber, use the correct fitting ammunution. If it takes force to close the bolt, stop.
Thank you again gentlemen. I'll give the guy a low offer and if it doesn't work out I'll move on.
Thanks guys, this info is what I was looking for. Now correct me if I'm wrong but a .308 match chamber is tighter than .308 win.. I've read that the match chamber can have these problems. Is it possible to have it opened to .308 palma or 308.win to rectify this?

If they mean 308 match like as in lake city match no Winchester is smaller
I believe it's just .308 match as in match ammo. It's just a littlle tighter.
Gun is most likely chambered 308 Winchester and he put 7.62x 51 match (lake city) 308 in it.

NATO ammo is lower pressure than .308 Winchester. The dimensions are identical, however.
NATO ammo is lower pressure than .308 Winchester. The dimensions are identical, however.

not the same close but no cigar

He is re sizing once fired from a military chamber; to deformed

ther are a hundred more places that say the same if the go no go was the same no problem but

308 Winchester (SAAMI) Gauges

GO - 1.6300"
NOGO - 1.6340"
FIELD - 1.6380"

Shop (Military) Gauges

GO - 1.6350"
NOGO - 1.6405"
FIELD - 1.6455"

sometimes close isn't enough


read the problems the English armorer had

you will also find the chamber size is not the same from one nato country to another they are close enough to share new ammo but most are a fight to use reloads

Use fresh brass load for your rifle, re use your brass
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to be fair

Remember military guns are not all hyper accurate sniper rigs most are in the mud, must work grunt guns. so chambers are a little looser. I have an enfield and an m1 Garand the m1 chambers the enfield cases but the enfield wont close on those used in the m1

NEW 308 military is low pressure Winchester but once fired is like putting ppc in a 220 Russian
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