What to bring to 1st match???


Glenn Bruce

I plan to shoot my first ever F Class match at the end of this month, here's what I plan to bring.
What else might I need?
Front & rear rest
Shooting mat
Fold up chair
food & drink
A wagon to haul everything

spotting scope
Clip board
sun screen
Ear Plugs/hearing protectors not only for line but also when pulling targets. Sense of humor !!
Good Luck & have fun !!
If you are scoring yourself, make up a little sheet to use.

If you have Excel and want a copy of mine, just let me know. ;)
I think we have Excel at work, THANKS for the offer. If you email it to :
I could get it printed there.

I don't know if I'll score myself or not, I though you normally have two guys at the firing line and two guys in the pits. So I thought I would not score myself............

Good reminder, I'd hate to forget the old ear muffs..................
Normally you *don't* score yourself... at least you'd better not be if you're turning it in for record. I'm sure everybody is honorable and all that, but for the sake of keeping things clean, it's best if people don't score for themselves outside of practices... ever.

What you can do (and under some circumstances it can pay dividends) is plot your own shots. It's separate from 'keeping score', mostly for your own edification so you can see more than just the last shot on the target. Sometimes being able to see a pattern develop can give you a hint which way you need to twist the knobs on the scope ;) Also, if the guy who *is* scoring for you gets distracted (someone talking to him, watching someone else's shooting, or just fell asleep - seen all three) and there is a disagreement over the score and/or how many shots were fired, it helps sometimes to have a plot sheet handy to argue your side. Plus there are usually blocks for recording zeroes, keeping track of how much you moved the knobs, etc. (handy for putting them *back* where you started at the end of the string), and where you called your shot at i.e. did you break the shot holding dead center, or were you holding high and a little right?

If you search the net for 'plot sheets' you can find a bunch. Just make sure they are newer and have the 1/2 moa X-ring for F-Class targets, not the 1-moa sling targets.

If you don't have Excel at home, you can always download a free viewer from M$ on their website. You won't be able to do more than open it and look at it and maybe print it, but it should allow you to do that.

Good luck,


It depends on the course of fire. You'll need to look at the match bulletin and/or talk to the match director (or someone else local familiar w/ the match) to be sure.

Generally if it's a 60 rd match (three stages all at one distance like 600yds, for instance) you'll fire three strings of 20 record shots... but you'll usually get at least two sighter shots before each string of 20. Some places let you have unlimited sighters for the first stage - most people shoot 4 or 5. If you add that all up, you can probably get buy pretty safely with 70 rds. It's way better to bring home a few extra than not have enough! If you have a dud primer or something else happen, it's always good to have a couple extra rounds minimum on hand.

For a Palma course of fire (800/900/1000yds) you usually get unlimited sighters plus 15 for record @ 800, then 2 sighters + 15 for record each @ 900 & 1000yds. About the minimum you can get away with is 51 (45 record shots, 2 sighters each yard line); 60+ is better. If there is an extra 20rd 1000yd stage tacked on (common, for the sling shooters it is usually designated either 'Any/Iron' or 'Any/Any' to describe what combination of calibers/sights they can use) most times you get unlimited sighters again (assumption is that the sling shooters changed guns or clipped on a scope) plus your 20 for record so tack on another 25-30rds just for that.


I hope to shoot at the Cadillac Sportsman's Club in Michigan on the 29th. I need to contact those folks to see what their format is.

You didn't mention if this is a registered match, or just a club match, and that is why I commented on scoring yourself.

If a bigger match, and there are 4 relays, you will not score yourself. If a smaller club match, you just might.

Anyway, I emailed you the document to the address you provided.

Keep 'em in the "X" !! :D:D
Can't believe no one else said this one, maybe touched on it via drinks.... water

Your eyes (and most of your body) are mostly water and are one of the very first things to loss water when you over heat is your eyes. You should always have approx. 250 ml to 500 ml of water at each distance you shoot, to keep your eyes hydrated.

Bob Lorenz runs the matches up there, is a good guy to talk to. Let him know your a rookie right away and he'll take care of you. Bob runs 60 shot (plus sighters) matches. Tell him Al from Midland said "HI", and I ain't gonna spot him ten points next match.........................................

Should get a chuckle from him.:D

We also shoot F-Class at Midland (600 yards) which is an hour short of Cadillac. Our match schedule is at www.semno.org

Good Luck!!!!
Bob has been VERY helpful. I just sent him another email a few minutes ago.
Thanks for the luck, I need all the help I can get!!!

I was just getting back to this post to make a check list for Saturday when I saw your post, I'll tell Bob you said HOWDY!