What three BR buddies do on their off time...

Al Nyhus

"It'll never work!"
Randy Robinett and I had the honor of hosting Prosperity, South Carolina's favorite son....'Humble' Henry Rivers....to five days of prairie dog shooting in Eastern Wyoming.
The shooting was good, the memories even better. Here's a few of my favorites:

Three Amigos at Mt. Rushmore. L-R: Randy Robinett, 'Humble' Henry Rivers, myself.

"Yes, Henry. You can shoot as many of those prairie dogs as you want to."

A prairie dogs worst nightmare: R.G. spotting and 'Humble' shooting!

R.G. videos and Henry lays down the fire at 'Death Valley':

"Henry, twist those big knobs on the scope and see what happens!"

We had the rare opportunity to see a dig in progress for a just discovered 67 million year old Triceratops. Incredible!

This is 'Bubble Gum', Henry's pet 222. It ended up with the Long Distance Award with a hit at 422 yds. The shooters name is being witheld to protect the not-so-innocent.

At breakfast one morning, 'Humble' laid down a challenge to Randy....the most hits with 10 shots. The winner would recieve a crisp $1 bill, autographed by the losing party. R.G. pulled out his 20BR and Henry was weilding his XP-100 based 204R. When the dust, dirt, parts and pieces had settled, it was Randy's 8 out of 10 barely edged out 'Humble's' 7 out of 10 for the victory. As you can imagine there was quite a bit of trash talk going on between the two combatants.

Here forever captured on digital media is the historic handing over of the aforementioned $1 bill, bearing 'Humble's signature. Almost like the Japanese surrenduring to MacArthur.....

Randy getting down to business in the Shootoff as Henry watches. The date stamp is off as I'd reloaded the batteries and didn't reset it.

Henry 'gets Western' with his 6BR. R.G. spotting:

Good shootin'. :) -Al
I just talked to RG yesterday, and he told me all about this, It is nice to put the pictures with the story. Look and sounds like you guys had a great time, Good shooting.
"Envy" is the word that comes to mind when I see those pictures. I have not met in person any of the three, but think that I know them. In my years of writing for PS, Randy has been very helpful with information and providing me with bullets for testing. Al is a fellow writer and his articles were always a "first read" for me. Although I have not met Humble Henry, I have read much about his exploits at various ranges during competitions. It is good to see these three enjoying a great pastime. James Mock
Thanks for the nice comments. Here's a few more:

Henry brought "...some ammo".

Henry playing with some horses. Randy and I thought about telling him they bite.;)

These two bull buffalo were doing a bit of head bangin' trying to figure out who was tougher. The antelope nearby was completely uninterested.

Randy puts the sneak on a 3/4 curl Big Horn sheep lying in the shade:

The only casualty of the trip was Randy's green lawn chair. It did not go gently into the night.

This is a very tall butte that has two stacked stone pillars atop it. Who did it or how old they are is anyones guess. The best guess is they were used as a landmark to aid in navigating the prairie, perhaps during the cattlemen vs. sheepherders range wars of the 1800's. Or they may be as old as the pre-Sioux Indian natives that inhabited these grasslands about 5,000 years ago.

Under the bright Wyoming sun, 'Humble' Henry transformed before our eyes into 'Hakim' Henry.:D

Good shootin'. -Al
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