Jeremy is a putz. He was looking for something to happen. I applaud the officer. We need more like him and less Jeremy's.
I don't carry because I don't need to, but I would if need be and don't mind if anyone else does if needed.
Still the Officer was unprofessional. His conduct was deploring to say the least. The officer did not work with in the guidlines set by the police dept. The other officer had an obligation to defuse the situation the His partner was enacting.
The person {driver] was assauled by the officer when he pulled on the chain on the cuffs . It was enough to break a weak wrist. The officers in question definaetly did Voilate The drivers an passangers civil rights, Also their constutional rights.
If Ohio Has the same laws as other states < { where the Car Is an extension of your home. They also violated his rights as to illegal search and seasure. Its up to the courts .