what is rifling on mini 30 and 75 gr


STBE Harris

What is the diam of the barrel on the Ruger mini .310-.311 or .308 or are we talking the lands .308 and grooves .310?

Also when reloading 75 gr 223 in RCBS dies a friend is getting nicks in the tip of the bullet any explaination? Thank you

The nicks on the tip of the bullet are probably caused by the seater...when a round is pushed into the die without the bullet being straight, many time the seated will nick that HP just a little.
Mini 30's are .308 bore not .311 like the Russia 7.62x39mm.
If your friend uses a VLD inside neck chamfering tool on his .223 cases a 75 gr boattail bullet will sit pretty much straight up and down in the case mouth for seating. He should also check to make sure that the tips of the bullets aren't bottoming (topping?) out on the inside of the seater stem. The stem should contact the bullet at a point on the ogive, not on the tip.