What format for first club 22BR match?



Some of us in the club I belong to are thinking of putting on a club 22 rimfire Bench match. With so many different formats (IR50/50,ARA, etc.) to look at, if you where to host a club event for shooters that have not shot BR, who's rules / format do you think are the most beginner friendly?
R.E. Klaus
Here is an idea I had: Lets say you guys decide that the match will consist of 3 targets. For the first match shoot one target from 3 of the orgs. Say one IR50/50, one ARA and one RBA [ or some other target like the PSL or ???]. Then you can decide which target you want to use for the rest of the year or just keep doing the 3 different targets.

For an unsanctioned club match you can also decide if you want to use 'best edge' or 'worst edge' scoring.

If you want to be able to compare your scores to the rest of the country you need to stick with one of the popular orgs and their rules.

In January I hope we are going to have our club's first RF BR match in over 9 years. We are going to use the RBA target but I am going to have an unsanctioned 'Target Rifle' class along with the sanctioned RBA Unlimited guns. The TR class is for smallbore type rifles but using an unlimited scope instead of iron sights.

Make your own set of rules

Here's what we use at our club:
.22LR factory ammo.
20 rounds in 20 minutes per relay. 25 targets per paper (5 sighters).
1/4" X ring, 1/2" 10 ring, 1" 9 ring, etc. (made on a home computer).
Hunter class (50 yards): stock rifle, 7.5 pounds max, 6.5 power scope max (can tape variable power scope to that setting).
Sporter class (50 and 100 yards): modified stock rifle (trigger, bedding, etc.), but factory barrel, 9.5 pounds max, unlimited power scope.
Unlimited (100 yards): anything goes.

All of the above must use two rests (mechanical or bag front, bag rear) not attached to bench or each other (standard BR setup).

It is simple, inexpensive and it works well for all interested shooters.
Instead of inventing a new game I would look at the rules of each organization, pick the one that most suited your equipment, and join one of them. The rules are already in place, and all the orgs welcome and need new shooters. Then you can compete with the rest of the country and see how your scores stack up. Some of the shooter may choose to go and shoot at different sanctioned matches too.
Another option . . .

. . . is to use the rules set up by Rimfire Central in their "On-Line-Matches"

The classes are:
1. Unlimited (Same as ARA)

2. Vintage Smallbore (CPM Rifles: Rem.40X & Win. 52s, plus old wood stock Anschutz (no custom barrels, tuners or custom stocks.)

3. Semi-Autos (Custom Rugers are allowed)

4. Factory Sporter (8.5 lb. max & 24X scope max. - Cost of ammo limited: Eley Red Box. Black Box, Lapua Master, Midas & Center X or RWS 50 not allowed)

New match each month (Shoot on your home range, score your own targets and post your scores in Rimfire Central's "Matches" section)

Volunteer Stat. Officers post score bulletins at the end of each month.

They have clubs that run matches each month and lots of guys who shoot alone on their home range. Number of shooters each month runs about 75 in winter and more than 100 in Summer.

Go to Rimfire Central's "Matches" section for more info.

Joe Haller :)