What does ride the bags well actually mean? Are some rimfires so violent they jump out and land on the floor? Jacl Chastain
When a rimfire is shot it normally only moves a little. Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 an inch. Sometimes more if it is shot "free recoil" (not holding the rifle at all) on really smooth bags.
What most people are referring to is after the rifle is fired and the recoil has moved the rifle rearward does the scope cross hairs or dot is still lined up where they were before pulling the trigger.
This relates to how straight the butt stock and forearm are where they make contact with the bags. If all is straight and level, it is possible for the dot to still be exactly where is was before you pulled the trigger even though the rifle has moved rearward from recoil.
Now remember, I am assuming you pushed the rifle back up against the front stop. If you don't, the drop at the toe of the stock will prevent the rifle from returning to zero. Some benchrest stocks have no drop at the toe, the forearm and butt stock are on the same plane. If that's the case, it should return to zero even without pushing it back up against the stop.
That is what "riding the bags means" at least to me.