Had a Martini Cadet rifle rifle rechambered from 25/20 to 256 Win. Mag. After about 50 shots the barrel came loose and the chamber is bulged, most of the reloads were mild but the one that finished it off may or may not have been but I am not sure if the load was hot or if the rifle had just developed a condition of excess head space, but the barrel become obviously loose and the chamber was bulged about 7thou on the case just back from the junction of the neck. My gunsmith found some squashed unburned powder grains in the chamber from a load that was too light and did not combust properly {14g Benchmark8208}, he is adamant that the unburned grains would have caused the barrel to come loose and the chamber to bulge. Seems to me that the bulged chamber would cause the barrel to get tighter not looser. The end result was quite unspectacular with no burning of the bolt face , no smoke or flying particles. The load that seemed to cause the rifles demice was 14g of Alliant Unique. Case capacity is about 22g of fine grained powder to filled the top of the neck. Is my gunsmith correct, just trying to cover his backside , or are other factors involved. Do chamber bulges occur in strong rifles such as Rugers and Remingtons or are they simply a lever action thing?