what barrel?


mr. nobody

this is kinda like asking if a ford is better than a chevy, but here goes. if you were ganna rebarrel a rifle right now what is the best barrel to go with? i've heard ratchet barrels, reverse taper, 2 grove, 4 grove, ect.ect.ect.

if you were going to rebarrel what brand and type are the best shooters using at the moment?

i was thinking of buying another rifle this winter but i have a suhl and a hall left port right action rifle with a lilja barrel on it. the reason i was asking is i might just rebarrel the suhl or the hall this winter.
Tough one

I'll take the first question, Chevy was better untill the Oboma Gang took it over, so Now I would say Ford. As for barrels, it's a crap shoot.
i have always been a chevy man until it got turned into government motors.

i shot in my first match yesterday and my worse score was a 1860 and my best was a 2100. i used the hall. i'm ganna try the suhl next month and see how i do with it. i might just rebarrel the one i shoot the worse with and see next year!!!
Not knowing the conditions

That's not bad for your first time out. If you just practice a bit and find the right ammo combo, you won't have to rebarrel. You also have to be patience when you first start out in this game. You have now set a standard, so just try to better those scores the next time. Any other additude, and this sport, will eat you up and eject you.

If I were going to rebarrel my gun I would go with a Shilen. From everyone I talked to they say Shilen
I'm getting my 40X rebarrelled and my gunsmith recommended a Benchmark 2 groove, so that is what he is putting on.. Llija is also a great barrel..

Broughton seems to be making some good barrels. I got my butt whupped by 3 or 4 of them this afternoon:eek:
I'm kind of scratching my head about the same idea. If you rebarrel the Suhl wouldn't you have to thread the action due to it having a pinned barrel? I don't know that it's absolutely necessary but I think it's suggested? Thinking along these lines it would probably be more expensive on the Suhl than the Hall, don't you think? Do you have a gunsmith in mind? Again I'm asking these questions due to me thinking about the possibility of having this done. I doub't I'll really get to but it's a thought for now. ;)
I’ve got the only Broughton rimfire barrel in Australia and like you there are plenty down here that have their butt kicked by a Broughton.

Big Three

Shilen, Border, Broughton. All three have preformed well for me. As for threading the Suhl action, Bill Myers, does a bang up job.

I have been shooting a Broughton 5C barrel for a while. It has been very good for me. I know others that have a Broughton that are very happy with them. Shilen also seems to be one of the top barrels right now. I have seen a few in action, and they are doing great.

If you changed barrels every time a certain brand came into vogue, you would have enough stakes to grow tomatos commercially. I've shot Lilja, Benchmark and Walther barrels to add three more names to the mix. Any of the name brands are capable of making a good barrel.


if you shot 2100 your first time out that is very find shooting. before i would rebarrell that rifle i would have one of those great shooters shoot it they are at every match believe me.

joe beshe shot my rifle and its not the barrell its me!!!

for a beginning guy i would trust the barrell over your shooting.

just my 2c
