Western States Regional Match - Saturday April 20th Ione, CA - CHANGE OF DATES!!!!


New member
Due to non-existant pre-registration as of April 1st, I have changed this to a one day match, with all classes shooting on Saturday April 20th everything else about the match is unchanged. I have updated the PDF document for this change

Total Match Fees including Lunch and Raffle ticket are $30

Anyone coming from out of town and looking forward to 2 days of shooting competition can shoot a field target match on Sunday the 21st at either the Diablo Field Target Club near Concord or Scott Hull's inaugural FT match in San Luis Obispo.

Mail your registration now so you don't miss the match.
The registration form and match details can be download from here:

Western States BR Registration and Match Info PDF

Western States Regional Airgun Benchrest Match Saturday April 20, 2013
Location: Sacramento Valley Shooting Center Directionshttp://www.sacvalley.org/contact.html

Jim in Sacramento