Well, it started out from the bench - ;-)


Danny Creasy

4th Annual NASA, Inc. Sporter Master Match

Only three competitors showed up yesterday morning to shoot our local rimfire "Pentathlon".


Left to right: Randy King, myself, and Bill Parkhurst.

Remember, it's the same sub 8.5 pound rimfire rifle, scope, and ammo all day long - five different disciplines - benchrest (USBR target), deliberate fire silhouette, rapidfire silhouette, three position bullseye (CMP target), and long range rapidfire silhouette (bi-podded rifle from prone).

The three of us talked and decided to forget the entrance fee and simply, shoot for the sheer challenge, joy, and pride of it.

I brought my ten year old CZ 452 American with its Weaver 6-20X40 Grand Slam scope and fed it Eley Match "Black Box". Bill shot his customized Ruger 10/22 (Kidd barrel, home smithed trigger, and bolt by Que) with its Weaver V-16 4-16X42 and used CCI Standard Velocity cartridges. Randy brought the CZ 455 American's action that he won in the third Sporter Master two years ago. I say "action" because he has swapped the factory barrel and stock for a Lilja and a Boyd. He fired SK Standard Plus, and his scope was a Weaver 44/40 6.5-20X44.

With three shooters, there were 30 points to be had. If one of us earned first place, we got 3 Sporter Master points, if he got second place - 2 points, and third got 1 point.

It was a marvelous 50 degrees with no wind, under a blue sky, as the shooting started at around 8:30 AM. These were the finest benchrest conditions I had experienced in a long time. Randy and I managed to take advantage of the calm, but Bill thinks he may have goofed up by cleaning his 10/22 the day before.

1st - Danny Creasy - 233-4X
2nd - Randy King - 231-1X
3rd - Bill Parkhurst -198-0X

Randy and my USBR targets:


Long views:



We busied ourselves setting up the silhouette racks for the 50/25 event:

Randy was right there once again, but I used a strategy of starting with the top row of little chickens at the beginning, and my freshness paid off.

1st - Danny Creasy - 2X1
2nd - Randy King - 3X3
3rd - Bill Parkhurst - 12X7




Racks before:

And, after. You can barely see my turkey standing in the middle of the next to the bottom row.

Next, we moved up 25 yards, eliminated the Pdog in the top row, and shot the Rapidfire Rimfire event.

This match requires the shooter to engage 24 silhouettes from 25 yards in four strings of 6 targets each. An RO starts a watch when the shooter fires the first shot of a string, and he stops it when the last critter of that particular string goes down. A scribe records the time for the string and subtracts 3 seconds if the shooter had no misses in the string. The shooter's score is his aggregate time for all four strings. Please note, a bolt action shooter get's to subtract 36 seconds from his total time thus equalizing the speed advantage of the semi-automatics. Bill had a mind f##t - he started a string with no magazine in his Ruger. It was one shot and "click" and then a scrambled reload (we've all done it). That left the door wide open for Randy and my slower bolt actions.

1st - Danny Creasy - 22.08 seconds
2nd - Randy King - 23.06 seconds
3rd - Bill Parkhurst - 48.26 seconds



Randy's clean run on the mega-tough little chickens is really cool in slow motion:

With only three shooters, we were really plowing along on the schedule, so we passed on any type of break and kept shooting. The three-position CMP Sporter slow fire targets were next.

Legend - Prone score (50 yards), sitting score (50 yards), offhand score (25 yards), and total score.

1st - Danny Creasy - 100-9X, 98-3X, 98-3X, 296-15X
2nd - Randy King - 98-7X, 97-3X, 100-7X, 295-17X
3rd - Bill Parkhurst - 99-3X, 94-5X, 93-2X, 280-10X

Some of our best CMP targets:

Prone shooting with slings:



With the noon hour approaching, we attached the bi-pods to our sporters and sniped away at the little chickens from 100 yards. The shooter has one minute from a standing start to go prone and engage five 1/5th scale chickens from a distance of 100 yards with ten rounds. Your score is the number left standing and the low score wins. You must shoot through three times for a total score.

The wind had kicked up by now and Bill armed with his trusty 10/22 dealt with the conditions better than Randy or me.

1st - Bill Parkhurst - 1 left standing out of 15 targets
2nd - Danny Creasy - 3
3rd - Randy King - 7

Way to go, Bill!

Final point totals for the 4th Annual Sporter Master Match

1st Place - Danny Creasy - 14
2nd Place - Randy King - 9
3rd Place - Bill Parkhurst - 7

I must express we three shooters' heartfelt thanks to the NASA, Inc. club members that came and helped with the match. Heck, they actually outnumbered us!

Long time member and 72 year old active shooter, Peary Willard, meticulously scored the USBR "Green Monster" targets.

Club treasurer, Andrew Butler, ran the stop watch on the rapidfire match.

Club president, Dwight Pilkilton, scored the CMP Sporter targets.

And last, but not least, a first term club director, Thomas Reed, RO'd most every event but the rapidfire and he served as Andrew's scribe in that one.

What a beautiful day!!

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