Well, I WS2'd some bullets


Jerry Adams
The WS2 arrived from Canada yesterday. I had bought the Lyman coating kit and used it with the WS2. The kit contained some ceramic media and I got a nice even coat on the bullets. Also got a nice coat on the inside of the plastic bowl. I'll try it without the ceramic media and see if there's any difference. I've got an extra barrel for a LV gun I haven't shot for a while. I'll use that to see what, if any, difference the WS2 makes. More things to keep busy on during the winter. :)
Jerry I too have to much time on my hands during the cold weather. Below are pictures of my turning / bullet coating system.


I coat my bullets useing a semi square jar ( 1 pint size ). I use steel balls as a buffer to keep the bullets from impacting the jar to hard and it seemed to work just fine. I get a very good coating.
My system was made from a D C motor taken from an old worn out shopsmith wood planner. It was the feed drive motor and controled the rate of feed for the boards as they were feed into the planer. The motor is a variable speed one , which makes it great for turning case necks , deburing case mouths inside and out , and just about everything else you need to do to a case.

Here it is set up to turn case necks.

Before and after coating with WS2

I can coat 200 6mm 108's at a time , 100 7mm 180's and 200 125gr 30 cal. at a time.

John H. Adams
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John the links show to be invalid.
Can you repost them please?

shoot , looked at them from another computor and they worked. Now I gotta figure out how to post them. Will try thanks Vern , John
shoot , looked at them from another computor and they worked. Now I gotta figure out how to post them. Will try thanks Vern , John

ok Vern try again maybe this will work John
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Neat John

Very innovative John. I noticed with the Lyman kit that the bullets seemed to mix well with the ceramic media. However when using the corn cob mix to do a short brush off, they recommend 2-5 minutes, the bullets seem to stay on the bottom of the tub. Difference between vibrate and rotary techniques I guess. I gave up on moly years ago as good results seemed to elude me. This WS2 seems to be easy to apply and produce good results. However, will that result in one hole in the paper? I'll be happy if I don't have to scrub the bore too much.
Thanks Jerry , instead of using the corn cob media , try placing the bullets in an old towel , hold both ends of it and lift one end of it at a time and allow the bullets to roll back and forth from one end of the towel to the other. The towel will remove the excess WS2 and also polish them at the same time. Don't do it inside or you'll have a mess , unless you place a LARGE trash bag under the towel. Wash the towel outside too.

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I've got an extra barrel for a LV gun I haven't shot for a while. I'll use that to see what, if any, difference the WS2 makes.
Coated bullets take a little more powder for the same velocity other than that you will not see any difference on target. Danzac decreases Copper fouling and hence how often people clean their barrel. I also like to think the reduced friction increases barrel life but I will freely admit to you there is no scientific data to support that theory I am aware of.
Don't do it inside or you'll have a mess , unless you place a LARGE trash bag under the towel. Wash the towel outside too.


I do it downstairs in my Rec. room where I coat my bullets and have never noticed any dust or mess. Be sure to use an Old towel as John said in the first place or someone will be very upset with you. I just use the towel for a few thousand bullets and throw away never tried washing it.
Thanks Guys

Decreased copper fouling and less cleaning is reason enough to do this. The WS2 process is much easier than the moly and wax I tried before. That was a mess. I will definitely use the towel as suggested. Can you get the bullets clean enough with the towel to avoid getting the WS2 on your fingers when reloading between relays? And do you notice that I am scrupulously using the term WS2 instead of Danzac after I was so thoroughly chastied earlier? :rolleyes:

I am a known collector of old towels in this family. One for dusting moly coated projectiles, one ditto for boron, one when I clean case necks with carbon remover, one ......

If I make up a load of my own stuff, I've found they go through the wash without any immediate or future issues.


I am a known collector of old towels in this family. One for dusting moly coated projectiles, one ditto for boron, one when I clean case necks with carbon remover, one ......

If I make up a load of my own stuff, I've found they go through the wash without any immediate or future issues.


Good to know John. thanks. Dick

Can you get the bullets clean enough with the towel to avoid getting the WS2 on your fingers when reloading between relays?

No, but it transfers much much less than moly maybe only 10%. Dick
I do it downstairs in my Rec. room where I coat my bullets and have never noticed any dust or mess. Be sure to use an Old towel as John said in the first place or someone will be very upset with you. I just use the towel for a few thousand bullets and throw away never tried washing it.

Me too Dick , but I place a large trash bag under my towel , didn't use it at one time and still have a spot on my rec room carpet from bleed thru the towel of WS2 John