Weak Euro = cheaper ammo prices ???



With the Euro down to $1.23/USD,I hope that we will start to see .22 match ammo drop by 20%.
Thanks Fred : That is the way I feel about it too. Makes one wonder why all of a sudden American Manufactors of 22 ammo don't make something that will compete with the Euorpeing market. All you can get in the U S is the cheap bulf plated junk . garrisone.
Eley is made in England and I think they go by the pound instead of Euro? Maybe Lapua goes by the Euro? Maybe they'll drop their price, but I sort of doubt it.
I just wish there was some ammo available, except for odds and ends, nothing seems to be available, and when a shipment comes in, it sells out fast, very fast. Eley is making some great ammo, I just wish they'd send more over, or that the importer would buy more and make it more available.
I'll give 'em credit, they're making some great ammo, if you have a rifle accurate enough to tell the difference, it shows from the scores.

It is kind of like oil and gasoline prices.

Price of crude goes down and the supplier says he must charge more as the price he paid for the crude was higher than now.

Price of crude goes up and the supplier says he must charge more as the price he is paying for crude is higher than before.


Over the last 18 months the pound and euro have dropped something like 45% against the US$, have you seen a drop in ammo prices?? The problem is all the raw materials used to make ammo are priced in US$.

Bottom line, more chance the price going up than down.

While you girls like to cry the winners and top shooters of rimfire hope the prices go up and up and up, the less of you cry babies to shoot against, easier for them to win! hahaha
just the way it is. Easy to stop but nobody wants to! Jack C
The new ELEY comming in has about a 15% increase so no savings .....
Since US distributers are working

With the Euro down to $1.23/USD,I hope that we will start to see .22 match ammo drop by 20%.

at least 6 months behind the curve, I would say there are NO savings to be had till at least a 3 month stabilization. We are pretty much screwed no mater what
It would be interesting to know what the real relativity is. USA & Australia have importing components loaded onto the ex-manufacturer cost.

Can somebody say what the retail prices of Eley are in Britain & Europe?
Because of VAT (tax) Eley is dearer in the UK than it is in the US and in Italy in 2008 we were paying about the same as we did at home for Tenex.

You wouldn’t know it by the way they squeal but the cheapest place to buy rimfire ammo in the world is in the USA.

The Afro, the Euro, the Krugle, Peso, pound, yen, yang, ching, etc. sure makes it confusing, eh? But Eley is making some good ammo.
The only part of your comment I can half way believe is the price of brass . Lead is not that high.How ever I saw last week soft lead a pound was $20.00 US. It is always the American's fault when there is a problem. Eley does make a good product but to some of us American' s the price is too dam high. Sorry Peter but thats the way I see it . I would like to see good ammo made here at home-don't know why all of a sudden they quit makeing it here. garrisone.
eley price

much wampum to buy good Eley more expensive than bud lite at the casino right Kent
Where were you the past weekend? Missed you at the Kettlefoot shoot. Figured you'd be there for sure! Was worried about you!! Hope you'll come shoot with us at Blue Ridge on June 19th for the NC State meters match.
Maybe some ammo will come in by then, I'm shooting scraps:confused:
The only part of your comment I can half way believe is the price of brass . Lead is not that high.How ever I saw last week soft lead a pound was $20.00 US. It is always the American's fault when there is a problem. Eley does make a good product but to some of us American' s the price is too dam high. Sorry Peter but thats the way I see it . I would like to see good ammo made here at home-don't know why all of a sudden they quit makeing it here. garrisone.

I’m not saying it’s the US fault, but there is not point anyone looking at the exchange rates when the raw materials used to make ammo are priced in US$.

But remember with the US the cheapest place in the world to buy match grade rimfire ammo you guys are still doing better then the rest of us poor fools outside the USA.

Supply and Demand

I just wish there was some ammo available, except for odds and ends, nothing seems to be available, and when a shipment comes in, it sells out fast, very fast. Eley is making some great ammo, I just wish they'd send more over, or that the importer would buy more and make it more available.

This is the oldest sales trick in the book: build a good product, one that everyone wants, then limit its availability so you can drive the price up, and up, and up. You have a guaranteed buyer whenever it becomes available with no fear of having to invest heavily to carry a large inventory for any length of time. And, the more demand for it, the higher the price will go. Seems to be working out pretty good for Eley and Lapua. And the only thing that stops this kind of pricing is competition, and good luck with that as they too would be soon jump on that bandwagon.

BR will never be cheap.

I'm spending $34 per 100 for the 112gr Cheek bullets I shoot through my 30BR. Add to that the powder and primers and you can see that rimfire is still less money.

How many of you complainers are buying an air rifle? 500 of the best pellets you can buy cost under $20.
Peter : I am not trying to get into a pissing match with you or anyone . I really admire and respect you guys in Australia. You maybe paying more than we do and I am sorry that Eley has the World by gonads but it is time for some company in the U S to start giving Eley some Competition. Competition is goood right! More and more folks here are dropping out of this sport and they are not being replaced by new shooters. Why ! Because it cost too much to enjoy it any more. Some guy said that those of us here in the U S that are tried of Eley going up and up on the price are cry babies -well so be it . I think what they are doing is killing the sport for the regular guy. that means those that have deep pockets will be the only ones in this sport. They will buy Eley at any price. Maybe that is what they want. Thanks Peter. garrisone
Something to Ponder

When you look at the big picture of ammo it's not just Eley, Lapua and 22LR ammo in general. Wasn't that many years ago when 9mm, 380ACP etc... was 6-8 dollars a box. Now it's almost double or more. Like the CF gentleman said they've seen their stuff going up.

No I don't have a fix. I do think that if one really enjoyed shooting and hanging out with the folks they meet at the matches they'd shoot what they could afford. OK maybe you'd have a tough time competiting against those that are shooting eley or lapua. I've never tried it but what if you bought some Wolf match extra for 650 a case and it shot pretty good, who knows.
So your shooting against the guy next to you that's shooting Red Box but he can't read the wind to save his life but you can and that's your advantage. Kinda like drag racing. I know I can't beat this guy for his equipment is better, but I have to gamble and I get him on a hole shot.

Different Classes maybe. I know it's been talked about, tossed around, some such as Bill Wynne out in West Texas going with the Fun Fires or whatever they call it, to give those without deep pockets and/or don't want to spend to the deep end the chance to compete and have fun at the range.

I'd like to see multiply classes to include pistols in the ARA.
e.g. Top Benchrest ( Current equipment and ammo )
Stock Benchrest ( Equipment rules and ammo limit rules )
Top Pistol ( Custom Pistols and any ammo )
Stock Pistols ( Again a cost control effort )

Just my 3 cents worth!
