WCF ARA Match Results

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
We held our ARA monthly match today, with five shooters in attendance. Weather was HOT (92*) and we had a slight wind (5-7 mph) for the first two targets. On the third target the wind laid and the mirage was unbelieveable. The targets just danced around in the scopes..
Results were:

Dave Smith-----------2025---2250---1800---2025.000agg--15pts---2040.000
Charles Segeren----1750---1875---1600---1741.667-------12-------1753.667
Mike Trunzo----------1850---1675---1525---1683.333---------9-------1692.333
Jeff Kirk---------------1700---1500---1470---1556.667---------6--------1562.667
Lou Reinard----------1535---1675---1345---1518.333---------3--------1521.333

Our next scheduled match will be July 8th, starting at 0900..

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