WCF ARA Match Results 8-20-15

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
West Central Florida held it's monthly 3 target Club Match today. The weather was HOT, 90+* with a Heat Index of 101*. There was a variable 5-10 mph wind. Following are the results of the match.....

Dave Smith------------2350----2325----2200----2291.666 agg.-----12 pts.----2303.666 agg+Pts

Lee Methvin------------1850----2025----2075----1983.333-----------9---------1992.333

Dennis McKeon---------1775----1600----1850----1741.666----------6----------1747.666

Charles Segeren-------1625----1400----1410-----1478.333----------3----------1484.333

West Central Florida's next match will be held on September 17, 2015..

Dave Smith--MD
West Central Florida