WCF ARA Match Results 4-30-15

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
Following are the West Central Florida 3 target Club Match results shot today.. Well had nice, warm weather with a 5-10 mph wind. Had three new shooters from the Lakeland area attend the match.. Said they enjoyed themselves and would be coming back next month...

Dave Smith---------2350----2275----2150----2258.333-----18pts.-----2276.333
Lee Methvin--------2050----2350----2000----2133.333-----15----------2148.333
George Kloiber-----1925----2075----1775----1925.000-----12----------1938-7.000
Rodney Carroll-----1525----1950----1700----1725.000-------9----------1734.000
Bob Carroll----------1775----1635----1600----1670.000-------6----------1676.000
Charles Segeren---1790----1650----1510----1650.000-------3----------1653.000

West Central Florida's next 3 target Club Match will be May 21, 2015.. Registration from 0800-0845.. Match starts at 0900..

Dave Smith----MD
West Central Florida