Wawarsing IR50/50 Match Schedule Error

Bill B

New member
I'd like to point out an error in the Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club Match Schedule on the IR50/50 web site. For those planning your matches for the upcoming season, our first match will be on May 26th and not April 26th (which is a Thursday). The rest of our match schedule for the season is correct.
You're welcome Mike. Hope to see some of the Mass Clan at some of our matches this season. I just checked and our schedule has been corrected on the IR50/50 site. Thanks Bill H.
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Thank you Bill: My name is Ed Longo & I plan on makeing as many of your matches as possible, I look forward to meeting you and the rest there. I have been shooting Camillus & Liverpool, but there will no longer be matches at Liverpool, so....I will be takeing the ride from Windsor ny. "dont worry, no threat here" This will be my second year at IR 50/50 Im hooked! Cabin fever has me at Piney hill on the 17th. Cant wait! be nice to see the sunshine!!! Thanx again. Ed.
Hi Ed, I see where you are a little less than 2 hours away from us. Not too bad a drive. It'll be great to have you attend our matches. I had heard that Liverpool will no longer have matches. Pity. Looking forward to meeting you. - Bill