Wawarsing IR Match Sat. 7/12

Bill B

New member
The Wawarsing Club will hold it's third SOTY match this Sat. July 12. A 3 gun match will be held in the morning with a UL match after lunch. Registration will begin at 8 am and commence fire for the sporter class will begin at 9 am. Lunch, water and soda will be provided. Please indicate if you plan to attend so that I can make sure we have enough food for everyone. The extended forecast is for nice weather. Hope to see you there.
Gordon has offered to make sausage and peppers for lunch. I will buy the potato and macaroni salads. Any more planning on attending? Haven't heard from many of the regulars.
Hey Bill,

Like we talked last match they don't respond they don't eat?!?!?!
But if you plan on them and they don't make it, Gordon's Sausage and peppers left over, WOW!!! ;)
Hey Bill
I'll be there ... and I was planning on it before the offer of Gordon's cooking.
