Wawarsing 6/28 Match Results

Bill B

New member
We had a great day for a match. Sunny, warm, light breezes. We had a good turn-out of 13 shooters for the 3 gun and 9 for the unlimited. I want to thank Michael and Pete for helping me score and to everyone who helped set-up, take-down and helped in the kitchen. I've said this before and will keep saying it, you all make it so easy for me and I really appreciate it.

The top shooters were:

Sporter: Gordon Eck 248-17X, Bob Griffin 248-14X, Ed Longo 248-11X

10.5: Bob Griffin 250-15X (fm 4) Pete Roberson 250-14X (fm 2) Ed Longo 249-16

13.5: Pete Roberson 250-17X, Joe Turturro 249-15X, Bob Griffin 249-14X

3 Gun: Pete Roberson 748-39X, Bob Griffin 747-43X, Ed Longo 745-41X


UL-1: Joe Turturro 250-18X, Bruce Selneck 249-15X, Bob Griffin 249-12X

UL-2: Pete Roberson 249-15X (fm 23), Bob Griffin 249-15 (fm 17), Joe Turturro 248-15X

UL-3: Joe Turturro 249-18X, Bob Griffin 249-17X, Bill Buskey 249-16X

Agg: Joe Turturro 747-51X, Bob Griffin 747-44X, Pete Roberson 747-41X

Congrats to all the winners. See you back here in 2 weeks, July 12.
Bill thank you for a fun and great shoot. The chow was great. Congrats to the top shooters. See you at the next match.;)

Joe T.
Thanks to Bill for the doing the work to keep these matches going ... and congrats to all the winners.
