Warren Page book


I remember reading a book back in the 70's.
Seems it was by Warren page and I think it was called the Accurate Rifle.
The focus then was trying to achieve the .25 group.

Am I right or was it a different author or different title?
Correct on the Author and Title

Would still be a good read for anyone. The book had it all...humor, tech, philosophy...
... and the occasional prediction that soared like a lead balloon.

It's one of my favourite wet day reads along with Jack O'Connor's book on the hunting rifle. Two sensible guys at the peak of their sport.
I think the focus was on a 250 agg. They were quite a bit bigger at that time
I can say Warren was interesting' I think he had a few ghost writers too. LOL
Yep, The Accurate Rifle by Warren Page.
I read that book back in the 70s.
Factory rifles and ammo have sure changed since then.
But only, I think, after someone in marketing found out that customers might actually make a buying decision based on how well the rifle would actually shoot.
Well that and CNC…
All the best,
I just went though my library, and found several other informative sources. The Ultimare in " Rifle Accuracy " by Glenn Newick, "The Complete Book of Shooting" by Jack O'Connor. Roy Dunlap, Alex Kerr and Jeff Cooper also contributed. Yes I have Warren's book as well. It seems, other than the differances in ammo components and powder, There's alot of the same, repeated over and over with any newer publications. History always seem to repeat itself with our help.
I read and re-read this book aropund 1975, and then ordered a Shilen DGA .222 LV - I have read it again a few times over the years and a lot of what Page says is still very relevant. We never stop learning.

Brendan Atkinson
And, isn't it interesting how one of his wildcat cartridges, the 240 PAGE, has come full circle and is now a favorite of many long distance shooters. Not with the same name of course, but still the same cartridge, only 60 years later.

And – The Accurate Rifle – is still available on Amazon.
In that book there was a picture of a rifle range in Midland Texas.
I’d just moved to town and was looking for a place to shoot.
I followed the high power lines in the photo and found the shooting club at the end of the road.
Both were my primers . Warrens book was very good. One photo in it is of the benchrest line at fasset {SOUTH CREEK] Glens book was a bit better in some areas , BOB WHITE helped Glen write his book. They were shooting
Partners for a while.
That's how I found the Midland Range the first time I shot there. I always wondered what they used to ancor it in place, with all that wind.
It slides a few feet every year. It’s only the grass burrs that keep it from blowing away entirely…
I got both books (Page & Newick) and a few others this past Christmas. I enjoyed them both, particularly Page's book. I especially liked the trivia/history he gave on the formation and early days of benchrest shooting. Granted, some of the info/data is a bit dated, but I found a lot of useful information too which is still valid today.

Interesting that things have seem to have come full circle regarding scopes/mounts. In the begining externally adjustable mounts and scopes with no adjustments were used, and now some are going to "Frozen" scopes and externally adjustable mounts.

As mentioned both are availle (Very reasonably priced) at Amazon.


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Hi, I got a well read copy of * the accurate rifle *, will send airpost to lower 48 for cost of postage.... guessing $6.00 ... contact me off forum, please.
... and yeah, I still favor the .222 over that upstart .223 ... like the longer neck.
ken campbell, deltawerkes, deltainc@grm.net
I have been enjoying "The Ultimate in Rifle Precision" annual journals by Col. Townsend Whelan, Harvey Donaldson, Ray Biehler and others regarding early formation of the NBRSA, bullet making, etc along with the early days of Benchrest competition.

The are a little pricey when they show on eBay or Amazon, but heck, we don't live forever, so enjoy!