Kevin Cram
I'm in search of a factory original Winchester model 70 cocking piece. I got in a older high power rifle, and the safety didn't work. I was told it had a Tubb speedlock firing pin in it that was installed by Tubbs. Sure enough it did have a speedlock, but with a factory cocking piece. This must be a old model before he started making the cocking piece. Anyway, I set-up to make the cut for the safety and damn it if I didn't take just a little too much. Know with the safety on you can pull the trigger and the firing pin drops a little. When the safety is pushed off the firing pin falls, Not Good. I got a Tubb speedlock cocking piece, and when I installed it it would even cock. Upon further investigation I found that the trigger sear was ground forward about .06" than a factory trigger sear, and the Tubbs cocking piece is ground too far back to pick it up at all. Now I'm in search of a factory cocking piece to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.