Wallkill Rod & Gun Club results 05/04/14

Bob Griffin

New member
Well we didn't get wet. It was for the most part Sunny and a pleasant day. The Wind though was a bit brisk and switchy to say the least. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed ourselves. Also had two new shooters, Joe Masiello and Bruce Selnick, hope they had a good time and return. Guys the wind is not always that challenging. Thanks to everyone for coming and foe all the help. I appreciate it. Below are the results.

Sporter: Bob Griffin - 249-18, Ted Derivan - 247-11, Chris Peterson - 245-10
10.5Lb.: Bill Buskey - 249-19, Gordon Eck - 247-11, Pete Roberson - 245-15
13.5Lb.: Bob Griffin - 248-17, Pete Roberson - 248-14, Ed Longo - 248-12
3 Gun Agg.: Bill Buskey - 740-40, Bob Griffin - 738-39, Pete Roberson - 735-40

UL1: Bill Buskey - 249-12, Ken Alfredo - 248-16, Paul Vobecky - 247-12
UL2: Bill Buskey - 250-17, Bob Griffin - 247-13, Ken Alfredo - 247-12
UL3: Pete Roberson - 249-15, Bob Griffin - 248-15, Ed Longo - 246-12
UL AGG: Bill Buskey - 744-38, Bob Griffin 741-37, Ken Alfredo - 741-36
Thanks Bob
It was a little Breezy But had a great time. Congratulations to all the winners.

Thanks Again
The most impressive target was Bob Griffin's great sporter target with the wind blowing at 13 mph. Congrats on that Bob and on another well run match.
kudos also

Bill, I'm glad you mentioned Bob's sporter target....Damm that was great shooting.

The top row had five dead, and I do mean dead center hits, and he only dropped that one point on the 24th shot.

Bob, you shot well and a big thanks for running a fun match.

6 Groove Lilja

Not to take anything away from Bobs shooting. You was there and know what the wind was. He pulled the trigger to shoot that target.

I was reading on another forum. Some posters think Dan Lilja forgot how to make a Rim fire Barrel. This past weekend A Fellow down in Florida shot a big target with the
Sister barrel to Bobs. All the internet Gunsmiths that NEVER installed a barrel should try a couple before they become Pros. Repeating what they read doesn't make them
much more than a wannabe. Some one shoots good in a couple matches is nice. Gunsmith knowledge not so much.
new ideas vs the older ones

Gordon you are right.

I don't think the last word in rimfire accuracy is just to be found in the latest "spearments". From what I'm seeing all the "spearments" are one offs and that level of inconsistency alone must led to some good and some bad "spearments".
Looking at a gunsmiths work as a "overall body of work" one has to rate it on the smiths average level of quality. By the way that's why you're building my new 2500x gun. When it came to choosing the barrel, again I went back to the question of "what barrel "consistently" has the best chance of producing good accuracy, not what's the latest and greatest "spearment" today.

As you and I have discussed, this game of RFBR still takes the shooter , like BOB and Bill proved this past weekend, to decide when and how the round goes down range. Not one of their shots was fired by the gun alone.

A day like we had on Sunday and like they had in Livonia on Sat., those are shooter's matches. It's no coincidence that every target on Sunday was won by a very experienced shooter. On those nice calm days, the best guns and ammo will shine. On the tough days, it's the shooter with the best combination of skill, rifle, ammo and luck that will win. I say luck because there were such rapid switches on Sun that anyone could have gotten bit by a switch if it happened at the wrong time. Paul Vobecky was shooting right next to me and I was just about to pull the trigger on a condition I was comfortable with, Paul was too and fired just as a big gusty switch hit, I was a little slower and saw it just in time to stop and wait it out.

Sometimes I think we concentrate too much on the equipment on these forums and not on the shooter and the value of experience and practice. I was able to practice some over the winter with my new rifle in lots of tough conditions. On Sunday I was confident that I knew my rifle well enough to figure out the proper hold in those variable conditions. I threw in a few stinker targets like everyone else but overall on Sunday it was experience that mattered. My advice to new shooters would be to get the best equipment and ammo you can, sight it in and tune it up on a nice calm day, and then practice, practice, practice, in the toughest conditions. Don't practice only on nice days where your scores will be higher. Sure big scores and tight groups are nice for the ego, but your ego doesn't win matches. On tough days, your skill, and a little bit of luck, will matter most and the only thing you have control over is your skills. Hone them to the best of your ability.
Well Said Bill

All the hype about Gunsmiths doing all kinds of Super Human Feats with a gun barrel is BS. Remember Harry Deenean's Old Green Gun when you shot it. The bottom land was shot out for 4 inches. The super duper gunsmithing was GONE in that barrel. It still would shoot in the wind. That was a Lilja 6 groove. That was a 750.00 barrel. Hope to get one that good some day but won't hold my breath.
All the hype about Gunsmiths doing all kinds of Super Human Feats with a gun barrel is BS. Remember Harry Deenean's Old Green Gun when you shot it. The bottom land was shot out for 4 inches. The super duper gunsmithing was GONE in that barrel. It still would shoot in the wind. That was a Lilja 6 groove. That was a 750.00 barrel. Hope to get one that good some day but won't hold my breath.

Yeah, I do remember Harry's rifle with that great shooting worn out Lilja. That was one killer barrel that looked horrible. It was well worn but not quite worn out.
Not to take anything away from Bobs shooting. You was there and know what the wind was. He pulled the trigger to shoot that target.

I was reading on another forum. Some posters think Dan Lilja forgot how to make a Rim fire Barrel. This past weekend A Fellow down in Florida shot a big target with the
Sister barrel to Bobs. All the internet Gunsmiths that NEVER installed a barrel should try a couple before they become Pros. Repeating what they read doesn't make them
much more than a wannabe. Some one shoots good in a couple matches is nice. Gunsmith knowledge not so much.

I have a couple rock creek 6 groove button rifled barrels, how do they stack up with the lilja's?
Yeah......Well worn, but not quite worn out.....like me too, Takes me all night to do what i usta do all night.:confused: