Wallkill Rod & Gun Club IR Matches 04/17/16 Results Sporter and 3 Gun

Bob Griffin

New member
Yesterday we kicked off the 2016 season at Wallkill with a 3 card Sporter Match followed by a 3 Gun Match. We had 8 shooters for each match. William Colbert drove down from New Hampshire, Dave Strate came over from Rhode Island, Chris Peterson from Pa., Paul Vobecky from New Jersey, George Boyle and Todd Cipolla from Conn. Plus the rest of the usual attendees. Weather was a beautiful sunny day, wind well it looked innocent enough. But see the scores below. It pretty much fooled us all at times. But it was a good day with friends. THANKS to EVERYONE for helping, set up, add u p scores, and take down at the end. It is greatly appreciated.

3 Card Sporter Match:
Sporter 1, Chris Peterson - 247-8X, Dave Strate - 246-11X, George Boyle - 246-10X
Sporter 2, Todd Cipolla - 245-10X, William Colbert - 245-6C, Dave Strate - 244-11X
Sporter 3, Ed Hosier - 247-14X, Bob Griffin - 247-13X, George Boyle - 246-13X

3 Gun Match
Sporter, Ed Hosier - 248-13X, Paul Vobecky - 247-12X, George Boyle - 247-9X
10.5 Lb., Ed Hosier - 245-14X, Bob Griffin - 245-11X, George Boyle - 245-7X
13.5 Lb., Ed Hosier - 249-15X, George Boyle - 247-16X, William Colbert - 247-11X.

Thanks to all.
Great Fun

Thanks for a great match! Loads of fun shooting in those challenging conditions. Nice visiting with the guys and lunch was great too. I think I am still full.
great match

Bob..... thanks for your work putting on a great shoot

Wallkill range..... thanks for making me a more humble person,,,,, damm that was frustrating, lol.

Other competitors .... thanks for a good time

as Arnold said "I'll be back"
