Wallkill Rod & Gun Club 06/01/14 IR 50/50 Match Results

Bob Griffin

New member
We had a beautiful day at Wallkill yesterday. Had a lot of fun and shot some good targets. THANKS to EVERYONE for coming to Shoot, and FOR ALL THE HELP as well. Sure makes it easier for this old guy. Below are the results.

SP - Bob Griffin 249-14X, Bill Buskey 247-12X, Pete Roberson 247-10X
10.5 Bob Griffin 248-13X, Bill Buskey 248-12X, Joe Turturro 248-10X
13.5 Ed Hosier 250-14X, Bill Buskey 250-13X, Pete Roberson 250-9X
3 Gun AGG - Bob Griffin 746-41X, Bill Buskey 745-37X, Pete Roberson 744-32X

UL1 Paul Vobecky 250-15X, Bob Griffin 249-21X, Pete Roberson 249-16X
UL2 Pete Roberson 250-17X, Bob Griffin 250-9X, Ken Alfredo 248-19X
UL3 Pete Roberson 250-19X, Bill Buskey 250-13X, Bob Griffin 249-16C
UL AGG - Pete Roberson - 749-52X, Bob Griffin 748-46X, Ken Alfredo 744-42X
Thanks for setting up a great match Bob. It was great to see everyone.

Same here Bob: Always a great match at Walkill! Thanx for all you do. Ed.
As always - many Thanks for great job directing our match.
Good to see everybody, and our new shooters