Wabash Wild. and Sport. Assoc. Club Match and Club Tournament results



Saturday's club match was rainy. We had seven shooters and results as follows:

High Targets:
T1: David Petty - 2075
T2: Bill Wheeler (MI) - 2450
T3: Mike Worthington - 2200
T4: James Goble - 2350

Top Five Raw aggs:
1. James Goble - 2118.750
2. Mike Worthington - 2093.750
3. Bill Wheeler (MI) - 2062.500
4. David Petty - 2050.000
5. Jim Plencner - 2018.750

Sundays Club Tournament results as follows:

High Targets:
T1 - Freed Leeds - 2400
T2 - Bill Wheeler (MI) - 2200
T3 - Bill Wheeler (MI) - 2200
T4 - Todd Wooten - 2300
T5 - Dana Aumend - 2225
T6 - Mike Worthington - 2175

Top 5 Raw Aggs:
1. Todd Wooten - 2160.000
2. Fred Leeds - 2066.667
3. Bill Wheeler (MI) - 2033.333
4. Clifford Arnold - 2010.000
5. Mike Worthington - 1987.500

I hope all enjoyed the match and tournament. I hope the food was good and friendships better. I appreciate the travelers Like Bill Wheeler, Mike Worthington, Fred Leeds, Dana Aumend and Todd Wooten. You folks deserve a pat on the back for supporting other clubs. I appreciate everyone's help in doing this. I couldn't rightly do it myself. I gotta say it...I have the best bunch of shooters in the world. There are many great things a person can say about greatness. The best parts are not competitive. But great competition can be had with great friendships. Thanks guys and gals! I am so glad this weekend is over....now i can rest and work! LOL

John M. Carper

p.s. Thanks to my wife for cooking the food and delivering it and thanks Bernadette for the wonderful dessert.
Thank You- for hosting

John - you ran a very good match both days. The food was great and the friendship was outstanding.

Without guys like you - we would not be able to compete in our sport


Bill Wheeler (MI)

PS - hope to see you and James in Mi - in October
Bill Wheeler,
James and I are planning on being to your double tournament in October in Holton, MI. I hope others will be inclined to come to. I know that Mark cannot because it conflicts with the Wabash Cannonball. But, Bill I hope more folks would decide to come up to beautiful MI in October when the leaves are changing and shoot at Holton and have a great steak dinner after the tournament. The Harrington will give 10% off a hotel room to any shooting at Holton.
Come H$ll or high water, or a family emergency, James and I will be there.

John M. Carper

p.s. I've seen a lot of folks here on BC from MI thinking about shooting RF benchrest. YOu folks ought to go too!
Thanks John
If you've never shot at wabash you don't know what you're missing. John puts on a great tournament and his wife cooks one of the best meals ever. I had a wonderful time and will see you next year. Fred Leeds
P.S. I'm on Red Shoes computer.Thanks again
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Thanks John
If you've never shot at wabash you don't know what you're missing. John puts on a great tournament and his wife cooks one of the best meals ever. I had a wonderful time and will see you next year. Fred Leeds
P.S. I'm on Red Shoes computer.Thanks again

I appreciate the compliment! Ole Joe has been there a time or two also. I hope to see you next year at Wabash but I will see you in a couple of weeks at the PSL and Nationals also. Thanks for coming and enjoying our crowd and wish you luck through the rest of the year!

John M. Carper