Viper PPC bolt

The simplest thing is to rebate the BR cases. That is what I do for my Bat and my Diamondback drop port.

This shows a regular rim for a BR, Rebated to PPC size, and rebated to 223 size.

This is the tool that I had ground for it.
Can a Viper ppc bolt be opened up to handle a 30br?

Not sure it matters, but it's RB, LP, drop port

The drop port will need to be opened a bit also. You could use a 30 Major(grendel) case or 30PPC. You'll still need to open the port though on a drop port. The 30 Major works and shoots great from my drop port Viper with a PPC bolt face---Mike Ezell
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thanks Butch

I think that is the answer to my question. Can you give me more details about rebating the cases? Reason I'm asking is that I have a chance to pick up a nice bench gun in 6ppc, but I really want to convert it to a 30br for my dad.
Just tale a PPC case and a BR case to a shop that grinds tools or do it yourself. One of my Buds just turns the rims to the right diameter and uses a tool he ground to the right angle to cut the groove. Put a Wilson case holder in a collet on the lathe and do the cutting. Pop them out with a screwdriver. It does not have to be close tolerance work.
Messin with a drop port bolt.

I noticed that you are in the DFW area. Why don't you just come over and talk to us about your questions. We are always glad to try to help out. We haven't chased anyone off the property with a club since the last time Butch came down. (I think he learned his lesson because he hasn't been back.)

I would like to know what your bolt face measures.

Scott at SPF
Thanks Scott

I am looking at purchasing a rig from a fellow shooter, but that rig is a PPC right now. I really want a 30BR. I'm worried about not only the bolt face, but the port opening too.

With what he wants for the rig, I might be able to build my own for a few hundred more. So I may just come out and talk to you about getting a whole new action.
I am looking at purchasing a rig from a fellow shooter, but that rig is a PPC right now. I really want a 30BR. I'm worried about not only the bolt face, but the port opening too.

With what he wants for the rig, I might be able to build my own for a few hundred more. So I may just come out and talk to you about getting a whole new action.

The Drop Port action with the BR bolt face will still need to be opened up in the neck section of the drop port. It's very close as produced but needs a few thou taken off of each side.