Video camera system for long range match - allowed?


First I'm sorry for my ignorance.
I'd like to get into the 1,000 yds & F-class shooting and preparing the stuffs.
My question is....can we (are we officially allowed to) use wireless video camera system (to see the target/bullet hole) for 1,000 yds BR & F-class match?
Also for you guys in Aussie, is it allowed for the Flyshoot?

Pro / cont...?

Your input is much appreciated.

Thanks & BR,
My question is....can we (are we officially allowed to) use wireless video camera system (to see the target/bullet hole) for 1,000 yds BR & F-class match?

For F-Class... no. One, its not necessary - the target is pulled and marked after every shot, with a shot-spotter in the new bullet hole and the previous one pasted over. You can easily see the spotter (a contrasting color like white on black) thru a conventional spotting scope or your rifle scope. If the spotter isn't small enough for you, contact the line officer and request a smaller spotter. Two, the rules (NRA HP Rule book, section 3.22) prohibits any kind of electronic communication devices on the line for shooters and I think most match directors would, upon thinking on the matter a bit, consider a wireless target camera system to fall squarely in that category.

Dunno about BR...

It's not in the rulebook, but it has not been, by unofficial agreement, "allowed" for IBS 1,000 competition. There were several people at Hawks Ridge (Leonard Baity, for one) who had such a system, but they didn't use them in competition. The only way it would be reasonable if every bench were so equipped. For example, at the NC matches (similar to Williamsport), you are allowed 10 minutes after the previous relay is over to set up your HG, and 6 minutes for LG. You probably couldn't get the camera out there & everything else set up in the time allowed.

But the time-tested way of getting a ruling is to do it. That is how we got the front rest pedestal in the rules, way back when. I'm told Ferrus Pindell showed up one day with a pedestal. The other competitors complained. Ferris stood there, arms folded across his chest, and replied "read the Gxx Dxxx rules" to every complaint. Next match, more pedestals showed up, and eventually, rules were written as to what was permissible.

If you show up with a camera system, and find a way to get it going in the time allowed & competitor movement allowed, someone will protest (take my word on this). Then we'll get a ruling.
seb, I believe that would be like coaching during the record string! Sorry but it would not fly at a williamsport match. But you can us it for practice.

Joe Salt