

Registered User
Originally Posted by tasy_ted
much like the kings new clothes until a little boy (vibe) stated the king has no clothes
he had everyone fooled .

Thanx Ted. I needed that today.

Really Vibe? You think you stole the Kings clothes? Really!!!! You needed that?
I don't think he stole the cloths. He just pointed out the truth, that the king was butt naked.
a lot of you guys are jumping up and down like a bunch of gigglie 7th grade girls, but mark my words, this recent turn of events will be missed by most folks. thanks, douglas
Really Vibe? You think you stole the Kings clothes? Really!!!! You needed that?
You have never actually read that story have you? If you had, you'd know better - or would have at least understood the reference better. Your post is almost as funny as his was. It's right up there with "Endangered Feces".
It was revealed that the King had no clothes several years ago on this message board. That's about the time that the whole parallel node, stopped muzzle explanation was offered up. At that time, anyone who believed that the King was actually naked was lumped in with a group labeled as "Funny People".
a lot of you guys are jumping up and down like a bunch of gigglie 7th grade girls, but mark my words, this recent turn of events will be missed by most folks. thanks, douglas


Who exactly are these mysterious "most folks" ? Judging by the balance of opinion that has been expressed around the various fora, I'd have to say "most folks" are either indifferent to his charms or are happy to see the end of the BS that eminated for the direction of Borden IN these last 20 years.
most folks are the silent majority, and i dare say even some of the funny people. Bill Calfee will be missed on these boards, no two ways about it. He has a book, how many titles do you or anyone else have published about rimfire accuracy? thanks, douglas

edit: I think it was Mr Hambone (if I'm wrong I appologise) that said the book makes good toilet paper. .speaks volumes of your character.
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I am very familiar with the story.
The king explained exactly what he or anyone would see when ringing a barrel.The King wants the node at the crown.It appears stopped to the naked eye and to your fingers and the correct definition of a node is that it appears motionless.The King calls it stopped the dictionary says it appears motionless and Vibe thinks this is some kind of scientific breakthrough worthy of 5 years worth of posts.

The King calls the area around the node the "Parallel Node".The King says this because it is almost completely flat.I think the actual arc is around 196 feet but I am not going to do the math.The King came to this conclusion using dial indicators which is actually quite hard to do because they register the highest point or peak of the wave only.To the rest of us we recognised the error in the Kings ways and we pointed this out some 5 years or more ago.The King told us to call it whatever we wanted.Unfortunately Vibe never came up with a good term for the dampened down area around the node so the King kept using the same terminology.I am positive he is now deeply remorseful.
As I consider Vibe to be a decent guy I would have expected him to explain to the King that adding weight in front of the muzzle will indeed put the node at the crown.I would have expected Vibe to tell the King while it appears motionless we can't say it is stopped because technically that isn't correct.I would think Vibe would have been prouder of himself if he could have taught the King in simple terms exactly what the King was seeing.
Some people who work with waves 5 days a week for 20+ years new exactly what the King was seeing and saying all along.I would think Vibe new this as well? Or atleast I think he should have.
I would have thought Vibe would have asked the King why the rifles shoot better with the node at the muzzle but he didn't.The current crop of centerfire rifles using tuners don't necessarily move the node to the crown and the King has used them himself but gave up on them in that configuration.Maybe Vibe knows the answer and will share it with us? I got my answer from the King but I am sure others are interested as well?

Do I think Vibe stole the Kings clothes? Not at all.I think he wasted 5 years arguing a moot point well understood by most posters.

Charles E
Did you ever find out what liquid goes on a cleaning patch? That would truly be new and exciting information.When you figure that out please start a new post and give us some empirical data.
P.S. Douglas the centerfire guys are always asking why Tony Boyer won't post.It is blatantly obvious why.
most folks are the silent majority, and i dare say even some of the funny people. Bill Calfee will be missed on these boards, no two ways about it. He has a book, how many titles do you or anyone else have published about rimfire accuracy? thanks, douglas

edit: I think it was Mr Hambone (if I'm wrong I appologise) that said the book makes good toilet paper. .speaks volumes of your character.

Ah! The "silent majority!, I see! I have always found that it depends entirely upon which camp you happen to be in determines what you consider the views of the "silent majority" to be. As I said earlier "most folks" (the silent majority) are either indifferent to his charms or are happy to see the end of the BS that eminated for the direction of Borden IN these last 20 years. I take ityou have read Macky's post over on RA?

What I actually posted was the book made for some pretty expensive toilet paper. I never said it made for good toilet paper.
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Lynn: One question, one comment.

The question: What was it you promised Wilbur? Put another way, I can't see much difference in your return to BR Central.

The comment: There are no moderators anymore. Why don't you put me on your ignore list, and be blissfully ignorant of everything I write.
expensive toilet paper/good toilet paper, please enlighten me as to the sutle difference? Are you defending yourself by saying that one brand of TP is better than another, and that Bill's TP is the best. Or are you saying TP is TP, regardless of price?

calfee's book, you want to know why ithink it's well worth the thirty bucks? here's one reason, say you're a absolute novice in rimfire benchrest, never shot a .22 in your life, but you went to a match as an observer and thought you might get interested in participating, but didn't know anybody, didn't know about BRC, RFC or RA, but you heard of a guy named Calfee who wrote a book about rimfire benchrest and it only cost $30. man, what a resource to avoid many of the pitfalls and many of the $$ spent investing in one mistake after another (like most of us have done). I can't think of a better way for a guy to get his feet wet.

toilet paper, to make a statement like that is asinine.

thanks, douglas
The child character in the "Emperors new clothes" steals nothing - here, read it again.'s_New_Clothes

And apparently you have read the past 5 years worth of posting toward Bills theory with the same amount of comprehension. (IE Not much)
The King says this because it is almost completely flat.I think the actual arc is around 196 feet but I am not going to do the math.
If it is indeed a node - there is no arc. that is the point at which the "arc" changes direction from concave to convex. And with the addition of an increased barrel diameter and/or tuner body to reinforce this area it will remain more straight line than the thinner sections. It simply changes the direction in which it's pointed.
Unfortunately Vibe never came up with a good term for the dampened down area around the node so the King kept using the same terminology.I am positive he is now deeply remorseful.
I tried every tactic I could think of, none were successful. As for the last point - I sort of doubt it, as I've seen no evidence toward that end.
I would have thought Vibe would have asked the King why the rifles shoot better with the node at the muzzle but he didn't.
Actually I have, on several occasions. Never really got an answer though.
Some people who work with waves 5 days a week for 20+ years new exactly what the King was seeing and saying all along.I would think Vibe new this as well? Or at least I think he should have.
I don't work with waves nearly that much - and surely would have appreciated some constructive help from such a sector. Not having seen any such assistance to be forthcoming, I did the best I could to correct the fundamental flaw in the theory.
Some people it seems have made good use of what they picked up from the discussions, and following the "Positive Compensation" model are making even more progress toward making theory match experimental observation. The first result of which is that there is no "parallel node" and never was.
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The parallel node as Bill describes it is simply the area on both sides of the node which has been dampened down.When the term flat is used it is used as a medical term as in flat lined.You guys are looking way to deep at this and forget he has no instrumentation at his finger-tips.You need to read what he is seeing with his eyes and not through a text book.
If you don't know why the node needs to be at the muzzle and what that does his guns will still dominate over the guns with positive compensation and behind the muzzle tuners jus as he says.
I would have thought your greatest joy in life would have been in explaining it so Bill better understood what you were saying but I was wrong.

Charles E
I am tickled to death to find out you can finaly be put on my ignore list.When you were a moderator that was not possible and believe me when I tell you this I TRIED.
As to any promises to Wilbur the only one he has communicated to me on is no talking about the big fiasco at the Nationals.Did he mention anything else? If yes I am unaware of any.
I find that telling the truth may hurt but it beats lying about it and trying to figure out your next line.Think about that one next time somebody asks about Hawks Ridge.
If you don't know why the node needs to be at the muzzle and what that does his guns will still dominate over the guns with positive compensation and behind the muzzle tuners just as he says.
I would have thought your greatest joy in life would have been in explaining it so Bill better understood what you were saying but I was wrong.
I wonder sometimes if you've ever read anything I've posted - you misrepresent it so thoroughly. Or if your angle is really so much more than 90° that it's just not to be expected.
toilet paper, to make a statement like that is asinine.


I have found that good does not always come with expensive, be it in regards to toilet papaer or anything else. As for what toilet paper I prefer, Anything that gets the clingons off and doesn't make my pucker red raw in the process is fine with me. Be it expensive or cheap.

30 bucks for what? A bunch of kindergarden art work, some hick stories of life back in the old days, and a handfull of cyrpticly worded tips that can just as easily be resourced off the www. via sites such as BRC, RA BBAus et al should you be so disposed. Now spending $30 on that, really is asinine!
I wonder sometimes if you've ever read anything I've posted - you misrepresent it so thoroughly. Or if your angle is really so much more than 90° that it's just not to be expected.[/QUO Vibe I amazed that you would discuss any thing with a rock. Time is $!
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It looks like Bill Clinton is now posting here as he is the only person I know of called Slick Willy.

I've read all of your posts and you have not said anything new in 5 years.You should spend more time thinking about why King Bill wants the node at the muzzle over a tuner behind the crown like the shortrange guys are using.
According to Positive Compensation it shouldn't matter yet King Bill challenged everyone to a head to head competition and had no takers.He was positive he would win for a reason please tell us why?
I've read all of your posts and you have not said anything new in 5 years.You should spend more time thinking about why King Bill wants the node at the muzzle over a tuner behind the crown like the shortrange guys are using.
According to Positive Compensation it shouldn't matter yet King Bill challenged everyone to a head to head competition and had no takers.He was positive he would win for a reason please tell us why?
By this very statement It's clear you don't comprehend much.
I've always agreed that putting the node at the muzzle/crown was a good idea.
I've also come up with some different testing methods to illustrate these points - much more recent than 5 years ago. So your "Nothing new in 5 years" is quite obviously false. (Bill on the other hand has apparently learned nothing new in much longer than that, as his concepts have not evolved with any added knowledge).
Bill just doesn't realize that the Muzzle Devices he is so fond of, are indeed Positive Compensation devices. So he cannot "win" since he is in fact beating himself on a regular basis.
As for the idea that "It doesn't matter" regarding Positive Compensation - that's Bills mistaken take on it. I've seen no one else make that statement explicitly. And you've never seen me make that statement.
His statement of "SD Vertical Proof" being in some way related to the remaining dispersion after tuning remains completely unfounded with zero supporting chronograph data - and lots of examples from other testers that this is from other sources that may not have been addressed yet.