VFS better bag.

A bag is a bag. Look at Jackie's rear bag. Even that works. :)

P.S. Don't forget to adjust the front lens in your scope!
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o Are you bag squeezing?
o What is the profile of the bottom of your stock? Is it wide and flat?

Greg J.
You have to have a rear bag that fits your stock first of all, then i think its personal preference. Example for me would be that i dont like large foot print rear bags. My arms are fairly short and a large rear bag hinders my right arm feeling for the trigger and being comfortable. I like the little plain jain Protector bag with the hard bottom. Cheap yet very effective for me and my rifle. Good luck. Sometime its take going through a few bags to find the right one. Lee
My rear bag have short ears. For my stock seems that one with longer ears(rabbit) will be a better choice, as the botton of the stock is touching the botton of the rear bag, and not only the sides. The correct is only touch the sides, I read somewhere.