A couple or three things happened just recently. I noticed that the BC home page graphics would not display (*.gif files specifically). Spent a few hours trying to figure that one out but ended up sending a "ticket" to those third party support guys I pay to quickly fix what's broke. While they were working on that, I decided it was a good time to update the forum software (Vbulletin) - and did. They fixed the graphic problem but in the process broke half the sites on the server. In the meantime, another support group determined that the server front end was out of date and "as a part of our dedicated support" set forth to update the entire "guts" of the server.
Within those horribly miscommunicated efforts something very basic went wrong and nobody knows what it is. I suspect that the forum spam is/was a result of updating the forum software since I was able to stop the onslaught within that program.
Pretty sure the guy that fixed the graphic problem and broke the other sites goofed up the entire server to an extent. It ain't nothing that a bunch of folding money and a weekend or two can't fix.