Very important to me...

Dave S

NRA Benefactor Member
If this is inappropriate, please remove....

On August 18, 1987, my brother, Trooper Jeff Young, stopped a drug runner on I-75 in Manatee County, Florida. A fight ensued and Daniel Burns got my brothers weapon away from him and shot him, point blank in the face killing him. Burns was tried, convicted and sentenced to Death in 1988. He was re-sentenced to death again in 1989. Since 1989, Burns has sat on death row, milking the legal appeals system. My daughter has started a petition, to Gov. Crist, to expedite the execution of Burns. I am putting the link at the bottom of this thread. I would appreciate it if you would read it and sign it if you will and pass it on to whoever you can..

Thank you..

Dave Smith
This is very difficult to deal with( thus the reluctant response to this thread).Does it belong here? I think, Yes ! It is about the American criminal justice system and we are (for the most part)Americans. If you were to poll 100% of BR shooters( American,Canadian,European,South American and Indonesian),I think you would see an overwhelming willingness to disembowel this law defying drug dealing cop-killing psychopath and you would also find an unprecedented abundance of volunteers( the line starts behind me ) to carry out the procedure.
Unfortunately "We the majority" do not run things in this country anymore ! "They", the bleeding heart idealist,feminist and leftist are in control( those with extra time and money on their hands and nothing more pressing on their agendas than to seek political office) have become elected and for the last 20 years( about the same amount of time that our felon has been on death row)have brought this once revered " Nation under God" to be a "Nation ruled by criminals,lawyers and pharmaceutical companys".
Perhaps Mr. Burns would like a weekend off for good behavior to play a round of golf with O.J. Simpson ?

I am deeply sorry for your pain and the pain your family feels. As far as your brother's murderer is concerned, "He is not worth the powder and shot it would take to blow him away". What is he doing still breathing air.

Concho Bill
My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.

I signed the petition and would only hope it helps do what should have been done years ago to this piece of trash.

As a retiredd police officer

I too have signed this petition. Upon his execution itis garaunteed that he will not cause this pain and sufferingto anyone else.

Done Deal

There is a special place in hell waiting for that guy Dave and it is time to expedite the process.

Michael Conway
Detective / Sergeant (ret)
Clare County Sheriffs Department
Done...! Justice must BE DONE...

God bless Trooper Jeff Young.


It never fails to amaze how some scumbag can appeal and appeal and appeal, but then neither he nor his lawyers has the morals of the average sewer rat.
As a retired Texas State Trooper I was more than glad to sign this.

WT Dew
My sympathies to you.

Unfortunately in Australia, the limp dick politicians we have here will not uphold the death penalty for capital crimes no matter how gross.

My firm belief is that the death penalty prevents repeat offenders.

A petition to the Governor will do no good. He cannot interfere with the appeals court system. The only faction that can is the appeals court themselves who can throw out the appeal or forward it to a higher court for resolution.

Burn's appeals have been exhausted. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear his case and the Florida Supreme Court denied his appeal.. All we are waiting on is a Death Warrant..

Sorry for the loss of your brother, and that justice has not yet been served.

If anybody needs further evidence that liberalism really is a mental disorder, consider their number one cause: abortion "rights". They want the right to kill their unborn babies. Perfect, innocent little beings.

Yet these same people will protest the execution of convicted murderer/rapist/kidnapper scum of the earth.

That's insanity. We mustn't waste any time trying to get along with liberals, anymore than we should have tried to get along with the Soviets. The objective is to defeat them.

Fight the good fight.


Burn's appeals have been exhausted. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear his case and the Florida Supreme Court denied his appeal.. All we are waiting on is a Death Warrant..


Didn't know all appeals were done that case I'll sign the petition....virg.