The Heart of Texas Silhueta Association (HOTSA.org) held its first Varmint Benchrest Silhouette match yesterday, March 15, with 20 competitors showing up at a muddy range in central Texas to help launch this new silhouette venue. The match was fired on the existing silhouette berms with targets ranging from 2" h x 1" w prairie dog at 200 meters to a 3 1/2" h x 5" w feral hog at 500 meters. All the targets are approximately 1 MOA at each given distance. Since we were unsure of how well the target sizes would work , they are smaller than the VBS targets used at other ranges, we only had a sampling of the actual targets for each bank manufactured and made up the difference with metal targets that were similar in size. Each shooter shot a sampling of the actual targets intermixed with other metal targets. The idea was to shoot a match and solicit input on how to better the match for the shooters. As the match progressed shooters comments were incorporated resulting in an improved experience for all. Classification was based on what you shot; there was an unlimited class for bench rest guns and a factory/varmint class for off the shelf rifles. It was decided to allow calibers up to .308 Winchester to bring in more people to compete.
Everyone appeared to have a good time and enjoyed the match format and targets. The matches will be held monthly on the third Sunday beginning at 9 AM (CDT or CST depending on time of year). Information on the range, matches held, directions to the range and membership information is available at www.hotsa.org. We invite and encourage those that have an interest to come shoot with us and have a good time in a cow pasture in central Texas.
George Springer
(940) 453-4299
I thought I would add pictures of the targets we are using. The pen will give you perspective on their size.
Everyone appeared to have a good time and enjoyed the match format and targets. The matches will be held monthly on the third Sunday beginning at 9 AM (CDT or CST depending on time of year). Information on the range, matches held, directions to the range and membership information is available at www.hotsa.org. We invite and encourage those that have an interest to come shoot with us and have a good time in a cow pasture in central Texas.
George Springer
(940) 453-4299
I thought I would add pictures of the targets we are using. The pen will give you perspective on their size.

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