Va. State match

steve stanley

Well-known member
The Fairfax range was on her best behavior this weekend for the Va state championships. The weather was beautiful with cool crisp mornings and warm sunny afternoons with light to moderate conditions, Saturday was as good as I have ever seen at Fairfax.Hal Drake continued his domination of this years matches, He won 100 with 250-25x and 2nd w 250-24x,Mike Ryan was 3rd w 250-23x. Hal won the 200 w 250-15x, Fred Ridgeway was 2nd w 250-14x and Kim Llwellen was 3rd w 250-11x. Hal won the Grand w 500-40x ( another potential world record) Kim Llwellen was 2nd w 500-34x and Fred Ridgeway was 3rd and Julia Van Gorder was 4th, Eight people shot 500's. Dave Thomas continued his win streak in Vh with 250-16x at 100 and 248-11x at 200 and of course the grand, Dave Apple was 2nd.We had 41 guns on Sat and 35 on Sunday, The weather was perfect and the match ran smoothly thanks to help of many folks, Hal, Julia and Adrian called the line an Jerry Reisidorf and his wife handled the stats, Wayne and Jerry scored and Mike Morgan and his Dad and Nick handled the target crew with help from Hal and Ron Collins and a few others. Thanks to all for their help and to all the competitors who came and shot with us, Especially Jackie Stogsdill and Danny Hensley and Ron Collins for traveling so far to be there, We hope it was worth the trip to you and we are glad ya'll came. Great Shooting to All. Steve PS. I did this from memory so excuse any mistakes, I'm sure Dick will have complete results on the IBS website soon.
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It sure is an honor to sign the targets of another potential world record!

For those that don't know - Hal built the rifle himself. He also designed and built the tuner.

It isn't every day one gets to see such fine shooting.

Congrats again, Hal.

The Hal

We would be remiss without noting his sponsors. In no particular order:
Dick Spencer- for shuttling him all over the eastern U.S. for free.
D.J. for teaching him everything he knows.
Bartlein barrels for keeping him in fresh tubes.
Ten X bullets for keeping him in superior pills.
Ronnie 9 Ring for giving him a motive.
And last but not least...Cialis, Viagra, and Exlax for keeping him straight. :eek:
Congrats to Hal and the rest of the was fun shooting next to Hal on Saturday and watching...maybe if I hadn't been watching Hal so much I would have gotten a few more Xs...

Thanks guys, and thanks to everyone for coming out to shoot this weekend. The weather couldn't have been any nicer. Hopefully the next few weekends will bring the same kind of forecasts, only a few more shoots until winter settles in.
Thanks to all

for a very well run match on a beautiful range. Congratulations to all the winners, especially Hal, he is definately on a level above the rest of us right now. Jackie
Maybe Hal is a Robot

...especially Hal, he is definately on a level above the rest of us...

Shooting one gun is a game of it's own. Shooting two involves so much more concentration. If you haven't done it, give it a try. When Hal comes out and beats everyone with both guns... Well, that is a sign of a darn good shooter.

Hal has devoted much time and energy to get where he is. It didn't just magically happen. Watch him at the next match. He will goof off as much as anyone. But, when the Commence Fire command is given, he turns into a machine.
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