Va. State 100-200 this weekend 10-11-12-2014

We had a very good turnout for the match, (35 shooters) especially with the weather. It was cold, wet and muddy for Saturday and Sunday was cool and muddy but the overall shooting conditions were good, you had to be patient and pay attention but you could get good conditions to shoot. You could also get caught if you didn't pay attention. The match went smooth even with the rain and 3 relays, we still finished up early enough for everyone to get out early for supper. Congrats to Hillary Martinez for the win at 100 with 250-24x score, she put on a show and just barely missed the 25th x on the last target. Ed Niazi won the 200 with 250-12x and Dean Breeden won the grand with 500-33x and Hillary was 2nd with 500-32x. Thanks to all that came and to those who helped run the match, Wayne France, Mike Morgan, Wayne Shaw, Brad Gollner, and a big thanks to Ray Beauchesne for scoring and Dick Grosbier helped with the computer entry. The full results will be on the IBS website soon. Congrats to all that shot well and thanks for coming.
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