USRA Unlimited Nationals Day One top 10 scores



Here are the top 10 in each target and 3 gun for day one.

I want to thank everyone for coming to the match and all who has helped in running the match. Thanks to all the wives for their help and making some goooood food.

Target !
1 Alton Altizer 250-20X
2 Darin Roush 250-18X
3 Wendell Dean 250-18X
4 Wiley Westfall 250-16X
5 David Bennett 250-14X
6 Todd Wooten 249-20X
7 Tony Blosser 249-14X
8 Vic Broussard 249-14X
9 Janet Westfall 249-14X
10 Dana Aumend 249-11X

Target 2
1 Tony Blosser 250-19X
2 Gene Davis 250-16X
3 Bill Walsh 250-12X
4 Bob Barnhart 249-19X
5 Keith Cross 249-18X
6 Jerry Chapman249-17X
7 Paul Wilmoth 249-17X
8 Todd Wooten 249-17X
9 Alton Altizer 249-17X
10 Wendell Dean 249-13X

Target 3
1 Tony Blosser 250-19X
2 Bill Walsh 250-18X
3 Paul Wilmoth 250-17X
4 Bob Barnhart 250-15X
5 Doc Uphold 250-13X
6 Todd Wooten 250-13X
7 Alton Altizer 249-20X
8 David Bennett 249-19X
9 Wendell Dean 249-19X
10 Gene Davis 249-18X

3 Gun Agg.
1 Tony Blosser 749-52X
2 Alton Altizer 748-57X
3 Wendell Dean 748-50X
4 Todd Wooten 748-50X
5 David Bennett 748-46X
6 Bob Barnhart 747-50X
7 Bill Walsh 747-44X
8 Paul Wilmoth 746-49X
9 Gary Hittie 746-44X
10 Ray Hess 745-44X