User manual for Leupold 36x



Would any of you have a electronic copy of this available? Or if it is available on the net already, I have searched without any luck.

Does not matter too much how old the user manual is, as long as we are talking about the good old 36x scopes.

Send me a PM if you need my e-mail for sending.
What is it you want to know ?
I have owned a number of 36 Leupolds, I seem to remember a couple of sheets of paper being included that I would hardly classify as a manual.
The adjustments available on a 36 Leupold are pretty standard and same as on a Weaver Sightron or any other common scope.
Additionally which Leupold 36 are you speaking of , there were several. Do you mean the 36BR with locking ring on front or one of the earlier models.

I should perhaps have specified this, however it is a BR 36D.

My question is simply if how the parallax really work originally - how do you set it to work at 100 yards as an example? Reason for asking is that my scope cannot be correct given that you adjust how I would expect you to - or my eyes needs a visit to the doctor, that might be an option of course...

I have another BR 36D as well, which is frozen, and these scopes does not agree on their settings on the same yardage. So, my eyes or the scope(s)?
The rear eyepiece should be adjusted so the crosshairs are clearest without regard to what is actually visible in the scope other than the reticle. A word of caution here your eyes will try to adjust to whatever setting you are at and focus after a second or so , for this reason it is necessary to only look at the crosshairs for a half second or so during this adjustment. Once the eyepiece is set as best as possible focus the adjustment on the front of the scope for clearest view of the target. Now holding the rifle still move your eye a little bit Lt to Rt and Up and down if the point of impact on the target seems to move slightly you have Parallax and need to adjust the front adjustment slightly to get the point of impact to stay put. Unfortunately sometimes best parallax is not exactly the same point as best focus and I think best parallax is more important. Additionally as a person who has owned 2 BRD's I can tell you that you may also have trouble with the front locking ring changing the adjustment when tightened but you need it tightened as it sometimes will walk off even when the locking ring is locked.
Don't get me wrong the Leupold 36BRD is a great scope except for the 1/4 moa click adjustments.

By the way the yardage hash marks are seldom very accurate at least on the 12-14 scopes I have owned.
