Use your creativity

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
Benchrest shooters are some of the most creative persons existing today. This sheltering in place instead of being a bother is an extraordinary opportunity for us. It is a time of introversion and thought using our minds to envision a whole new realm of possibilities that stretch the envelope of human endeavor. Here are some ideas already in the BR pipeline: diesel powered personal vibrators, robot sex brothels for animals, artificial vegetable burgers made from meat, IED e-mail responses to spam, smart phone corded landlines, solar powered windmills generating electricity, etc. etc. These ideas are already being worked on. A think tank is being formed to tackle the more esoteric problems plaguing the human race such as a truth-o-meter for politicians, a flying car, housebreaking a wolverine (by our Canadian brothers), how to respond to a statement of "Does this dress make my butt look big?" by a spouse and a myriad other things. So, benchrest shooters burst out of your present phlegm bag of self and get cracking. The world needs your leadership.
Patent Pending

I’m currently working on a by stable multi vibrating egg plant peeler witch will also host a clock that can be used to start a coffee maker any time day or night well into the next century. It will be remotely programmable by blue tooth utilizing two empty soup cans and a length of string at least two meters long. I and several other fellow bench rest shooters have been shaking the bugs out of this project for the last few months in the hope of presenting it for the fall purchasing season. Bob
flux or solar?

AAHA, Something we had not considered; flux or solar?

We've arrived at a unanimous decision: Nuclear Flux
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Benchrest shooters are some of the most creative persons existing today. This sheltering in place instead of being a bother is an extraordinary opportunity for us. It is a time of introversion and thought using our minds to envision a whole new realm of possibilities that stretch the envelope of human endeavor. Here are some ideas already in the BR pipeline: diesel powered personal vibrators, robot sex brothels for animals, artificial vegetable burgers made from meat, IED e-mail responses to spam, smart phone corded landlines, solar powered windmills generating electricity, etc. etc. These ideas are already being worked on. A think tank is being formed to tackle the more esoteric problems plaguing the human race such as a truth-o-meter for politicians, a flying car, housebreaking a wolverine (by our Canadian brothers), how to respond to a statement of "Does this dress make my butt look big?" by a spouse and a myriad other things. So, benchrest shooters burst out of your present phlegm bag of self and get cracking. The world needs your leadership.

One of your questions has already been worked out. "Does this dress make my butt look big?"
The answer is NO in every instance. It was either big and nothing changed, or it is small the dress can't change it.

For a man of your years and experience I don't understand why you didn't know this. Simple self preservation dictates the correct response!!

We can work on some of the more difficult stuff at the East West.
That dress does make your butt look big But this other one makes it look fabulous

One of your questions has already been worked out. "Does this dress make my butt look big?"
The answer is NO in every instance. It was either big and nothing changed, or it is small the dress can't change it.

For a man of your years and experience I don't understand why you didn't know this. Simple self preservation dictates the correct response!!

We can work on some of the more difficult stuff at the East West.

Paul, You are obviously a man of intelligence and cunning. In general you are completely correct. The answer is always no. However, a woman of 71 like my spouse has a finely honed BS detector sharpened by years of dealing with male verbal treachery. In order to maintain a thin amount of credibility it becomes necessary at times to actually answer yes. This requires great finesse. It is not unlike walking into a land mine field. One false move and boom. There goes the lower half of your anatomy especially the parts between your legs. I can offer no advice as how to extract yourself from this quandary. You must develop your own delicate sense of guile. Tim