USARB 25M Nationals in Raton


We are trying to set up our stay in Raton at or near Whittington Center, who knows the schedule of events for this National Championship that can elaborate? As far as I know so far, August 21-23, Coors range, and 25M... That's only 3 items.
Cancelled, just found out on AGN, now we cancel our room. as suspected, the Organization is proving that one man can't do what many did.

"... the Organization is proving that one man can't do what many did."

Joe, Mike N & I volunteered to help USARB - we were going to come out early.
So you guessed wrong - that's not it.
It's always better to find the truth rather than FUD
i bet if there had been a post asking for help there would have been more

"... the Organization is proving that one man can't do what many did."

Joe, Mike N & I volunteered to help USARB - we were going to come out early.
So you guessed wrong - that's not it.
It's always better to find the truth rather than FUD
As the outsider and an uneducated one at that, I think the whole thing was handled poorly. Cancelling a National is never a good thing. And that’s all I have to say about that.